
Image Taking of Earth-Rise by HDTV

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) have successfully performed the world's first high-definition image taking of an Earth-rise* by the lunar explorer "KAGUYA" (SELENE,) which was injected into a lunar orbit at an altitude of about 100 km on October 18, 2007 (Japan Standard Time. Following times and dates are all JST.)

The Apollo project was the first mission to take images of Earth rising over the Moon. The KAGUYA successfully shot high-definition images of the Earth-rise showing an impressive image of the blue Earth which was the only floating object in pitch-dark space. These are the world's first high-definition earth images taken from about 380,000 km away from the earth in space.

The image taking was performed by the KAGUYA's onboard high definition television (HDTV) for space use developed by NHK. The moving image data acquired by the KAGUYA was received at the JAXA Usuda Deep Space Center, and processed by NHK.

The satellite was confirmed to be in good health through telemetry data received at the Usuda station.

* Note: we use the expression "Earth-rise" in this press release, but the Earth-rise is a phenomenon seen only from satellites that travel around the Moon, such as the KAGUYA and the Apollo space ship. The Earth-rise cannot be observed by a person who is on the Moon as they can always see the Earth at the same position.


Image Taking of Earth-Rise by HDTV

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) have successfully performed the world's first high-definition image taking of an Earth-rise* by
the lunar explorer "KAGUYA" (SELENE,) which was injected into a lunar orbit at an altitude of about 100 km on October 18, 2007 (Japan Standard Time. Following times and dates are all JST.)
日本航天探测局(JAXA)和日本电视台(NHK) 已经成功地通过KAGUYA月亮女神号探月人造卫星拍摄下了高清晰度的“地出”影像,这颗卫星于2007年10月18日(日本标准时间)发射到高度约100公里的月球轨道。以下的时间和日期均采用日本标准时间。

The Apollo project was the first mission to take images of Earth rising over the Moon. The KAGUYA successfully shot high-definition images of the Earth-rise showing an impressive image of the blue Earth which was the only floating object in pitch-dark space. These are the world's first high-definition earth images taken from about 380,000 km away from the earth in space.
在此之前阿波罗探月计划是第一次拍摄地出影像的行动。而KAGUYA成功地拍下了高清晰度的地出影像,影像生动地展示了蓝色的地球单独漂浮在漆黑无垠的宇宙当中。这些是有史以来世界上第一次从离地球大约 380,000 公里拍摄的高清晰度地球影像。

The image taking was performed by the KAGUYA's onboard high definition television (HDTV) for space use developed by NHK. The moving image data acquired by the KAGUYA was received at the JAXA Usuda Deep Space Center, and processed by NHK.
这次拍摄任务是由装在KAGUYA上的专用航天特制高清电视(HDTV)完成的,NHK研发了这个拍摄装置。由KAGUYA获得的影像数据被送到JAXA Usuda 宇宙内部中心,然后由NHK来处理制作成影像。

The satellite was confirmed to be in good health through telemetry data received at the Usuda station.

* Note: we use the expression "Earth-rise" in this press release, but the Earth-rise is a phenomenon seen only from satellites that travel around the Moon, such as the KAGUYA and the Apollo space ship. The Earth-rise cannot be observed by a person who is on the Moon as they can always see the Earth at the same position.
注:我们在这篇新闻报道里用了“地出”这个词,但是“地出”是一种只能在绕月人造卫星上看到的现象,比如在KAGUYA月亮女神卫星或者阿波罗宇宙飞船上才能看到这种现象。而任何处在月球位置的人却不能看到地出,因为他们总是看到地球在同一位置 。
第1个回答  2007-11-28
kaguya ( selene )

日本航空航天探索局( jaxa )和日本广播协会(日本广播公司)已成功地演出了世界上第一个高清晰度的图像以一个地球高层*由月球探测器" kaguya " ( selene ) ,其中被注入到月球轨道在海拔约100公里,于2007年10月18日(日本标准时间,随时间和日期都是jst的) 。


形象,同时是由kaguya的机载高清晰度电视(高清晰度电视) ,为空间开发利用由日本广播协会。动态影像采集的数据由kaguya收到在发射usuda深空中心,并处理日本广播协会。


*注:我们用"地球崛起" ,在这篇新闻稿中,但地球上崛起是一个现象,只看到从卫星周游明月,如kaguya和阿波罗号飞船。地球高层不能观察到的人是在月球上,因为他们总能看到地球上的立场是一致的。
第2个回答  2007-11-28
Image Taking of Earth-Rise by HDTV

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) have
successfully performed the world's first high-definition image taking of an Earth-rise* by
the lunar explorer "KAGUYA" (SELENE,) which was injected into a lunar orbit at an altitude
of about 100 km on October 18, 2007 (Japan Standard Time. Following times and dates are all

The Apollo project was the first mission to take images of Earth rising over the Moon. The
KAGUYA successfully shot high-definition images of the Earth-rise showing an impressive
image of the blue Earth which was the only floating object in pitch-dark space. These are
the world's first high-definition earth images taken from about 380,000 km away from the
earth in space.
在此之前阿波罗探月计划是第一次拍摄地出现象的行动。而KAGUYA成功地拍下了高清晰的地出图像,图像展示了蓝色的地球漂浮在漆黑无垠的宇宙当中。这些有史以来第一次从大约 380,000 公里拍摄的高清晰地球影像。

The image taking was performed by the KAGUYA's onboard high definition television (HDTV) for space use developed by NHK. The moving image data acquired by the KAGUYA was received at the JAXA Usuda Deep Space Center, and processed by NHK.
这次拍摄任务是由装在KAGUYA上的航天特制高清电视完成的,NHK研发了这个拍摄装置。首先KAGUYA获得图像数据,被送到JAXA Usuda 宇宙内部中心,最后由NHK来处理制作成图像。

The satellite was confirmed to be in good health through telemetry data received at the Usuda station.

* Note: we use the expression "Earth-rise" in this press release, but the Earth-rise is a phenomenon seen only from satellites that travel around the Moon, such as the KAGUYA and the Apollo space ship. The Earth-rise cannot be observed by a person who is on the Moon as they can always see the Earth at the same position.
第3个回答  2007-11-28
KAGUYA (月之女神)

日本航空航天探险代办处(JAXA)和NHK (日本广播电台)顺利地执行世界的第一高清晰度图象采取Earth-rise*由月球探险家“KAGUYA” (月之女神)被注射入在高度的一条月球轨道大约在2007年10月18日的100 km (日本标准时间。 跟随的时间与日期是所有JST。)

阿波罗计划是采取地球的图象的第一个使命上升在月亮。 KAGUYA顺利地射击了高清晰度图象的地球上升显示蓝色地球的一个印象深刻的图象哪些是在漆黑空间的唯一的浮动对象。 这些是从大约远离地球的380,000 km采取的世界的第一个高清晰度地球图象在空间。

图象采取由KAGUYA的在机上高清晰度电视(HDTV)执行为NHK开发的空间使用。 KAGUYA获取的移动的图象数据被接受了在JAXA Usuda外层空间中心,并且由NHK处理。


*注: 我们在这新闻发布使用表示“地球上升”,但是地球上升是从在月亮附近移动,例如KAGUYA和阿波罗太空船的卫星仅看的现象。 地球上升不能由是在月亮的人观察,他们能总是看到地球在同一个位置。
第4个回答  2007-11-28
KAGUYA (SELENE) 图象采取地球上升由HDTV 日本航空航天探险代办处(JAXA) 并且NHK (日本广播电台) 成功地执行了world's 第一高清晰度图象采取地球上升* 由月球探险家"KAGUYA" (SELENE) 被注射入一条月球轨道在高度大约100 公里在2007 年10月18 日(日本标准时间。随后而来的时间与日期是所有JST 。) 阿波罗项目是第一使命采取地球的图象上升在月亮。KAGUYA 成功地射击了高清晰度的图象的地球上升显示蓝色地球的一个印象深刻的图象哪些是唯一的浮动对象在pitch-dark 空间。这些是world's 第一高清晰度的地球图象被采取从大约380,000 公里外从地球在空间。 图象采取由KAGUYA's 在机上高的定义电视执行了(HDTV) 至于空间使用由NHK 开发。移动的图像数据由KAGUYA 获取被接受了在JAXA Usuda 外层空间中心, 和由NHK 处理了。 卫星被证实是在身体好通过测距术数据被接受在Usuda 驻地。 * 注: 我们使用表示"Earth-rise" 在这新闻发布, 但地球上升是现象看只从旅行在月亮附近, 譬如KAGUYA 和阿波罗太空船的卫星。地球上升不能由是在月亮的人观察如同他们能总看地球在同样位置。
第5个回答  2007-11-28