
[ 录入者:潘学文 | 时间:2007-11-10 23:42:26 | 作者: | 来源: | 浏览:529次 ]
下午一点,国际大学生爱心联盟的志愿者们又为黄池村的村民们送上了一场以“老者安之、少者怀之 西部行――手拉手到最需要的地方去”为主题的文艺会演。国际大学生爱心联盟主席、中国国际慈善文化研究院大学生部部长、慈善文化传播中心主任陈甲,国际大学生爱心联盟现任委员陈俊安,国际大学生爱心联盟现任委员陈明清,重庆合川市保合镇黄池村书记张国强也都出席并观看了此次会演。此次会演的节目精彩纷呈,特别是《朋友别哭》、《让世界充满爱》、《感恩的心》等节目把演出一次次推向了高潮。历时两个半小时的会演充分展现了大学生的青春活力,赢得了村民们的喜爱与欢迎。
[上一篇] 老者安之、少者怀之 –西部行

老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼- The International University of love League West Bank
[Entry: Pan Xuewen | :2007-11-10 23:42:26 | Author: | Source: | View: 529 times]
October 10, 2007, the International Union of more than 100 college students love volunteers in Hechuan City, Chongqing area of the town-village of Huang Chi volunteers in helping and supporting activities, and for the villagers into a unique art Festival.
8:00, volunteers from the mighty Southwest University School of Yucai. Along the way, we Huange and laughing, and the atmosphere was very cordial. About one hour later, the volunteers arrived at the destination - Hechuan City, Chongqing area of the town of Huang Chi-village. After careful arrangements, volunteers were assigned the task: Some children with disabilities Qian Zhang came to the home, for her solve problems; visited some of the elderly paralyzed Abai, and for him to sweep the courtyard; some help villagers do farm work… … Volunteers upsurge of enthusiasm and positive attitude of the villagers were unanimous praise.
13:00, the International Union of Students love for the volunteers and Huang Chi Village, the villagers into a "an old man's, with less to the West Bank - hand in hand to the most needed areas," the theme of Arts Festival . Chairman of the Alliance of International University of love, the China International Institute of charitable and cultural minister of university students, charitable and cultural dissemination of a director of the Center for Chen, the international students love serving members of Chen Junan Union, the International Students Union love serving members of Chen Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chongqing Hechuan City, a town - Huang Chi Zhang Guoqiang, secretary of the village are also present and watched the current Festival. The Festival program brilliant, especially the "friends Bieku" and "let the world is full of love" and "Thanksgiving Heart" and other programs to perform again to a climax. During the two and a half hours of the Festival will fully display the youthful vitality of the university students, won the villagers of love and welcome.
After the conclusion of the event, the International Students Union of love, the China International Institute of charitable and cultural minister of university students, charitable and cultural dissemination of a director of the Center for Chen to sum up, "老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼" The Chinese The traditional virtues of the national heritage has been fully reflected in the International Students Union volunteers, who love. At the same time, Chen also a hope that more college students to volunteer to participate in such activities, which will be widely disseminated charity culture.
The participation of the masses
International Students Union Chairman Chen a love that the official opening of cultural performances
Rich and colorful cultural performances
[On a] of an old man, who with less - of the western line
[Under a] "a difficult one, P Plus support" fund-raising activities ..


第1个回答  2008-07-15
October 10, 2007, the International Union of more than 100 college students love volunteers in Hechuan City, Chongqing area of the town-village of Huang Chi volunteers in helping and supporting activities, and for the villagers into a unique art Festival.
8:00, volunteers from the mighty Southwest University School of Yucai. Along the way, we Huange and laughing, and the atmosphere was very cordial. About one hour later, the volunteers arrived at the destination - Hechuan City, Chongqing area of the town of Huang Chi-village. After careful arrangements, volunteers were assigned the task: Some children with disabilities Qian Zhang came to the home, for her solve problems; visited some of the elderly paralyzed Abai, and for him to sweep the courtyard; some help villagers do farm work… … Volunteers upsurge of enthusiasm and positive attitude of the villagers were unanimous praise.
13:00, the International Union of Students love for the volunteers and Huang Chi Village, the villagers into a "an old man's, with less to the West Bank - hand in hand to the most needed areas," the theme of Arts Festival . Chairman of the Alliance of International University of love, the China International Institute of charitable and cultural minister of university students, charitable and cultural dissemination of a director of the Center for Chen, the international students love serving members of Chen Junan Union, the International Students Union love serving members of Chen Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chongqing Hechuan City, a town - Huang Chi Zhang Guoqiang, secretary of the village are also present and watched the current Festival. The Festival program brilliant, especially the "friends Bieku" and "let the world is full of love" and "Thanksgiving Heart" and other programs to perform again to a climax. During the two and a half hours of the Festival will fully display the youthful vitality of the university students, won the villagers of love and welcome.
After the conclusion of the event, the International Students Union of love, the China International Institute of charitable and cultural minister of university students, charitable and cultural dissemination of a director of the Center for Chen to sum up, "老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼" The Chinese The traditional virtues of the national heritage has been fully reflected in the International Students Union volunteers, who love. At the same time, Chen also a hope that more college students to volunteer to participate in such activities, which will be widely disseminated charity culture.
The participation of the masses
International Students Union Chairman Chen a love that the official opening of cultural performances
Rich and colorful cultural performances