
KAGUYA (月之女神)

日本航空航天探险代办处(JAXA)和NHK (日本广播电台)顺利地执行世界的第一高清晰度图象采取Earth-rise*由月球探险家“KAGUYA” (月之女神)被注射入在高度的一条月球轨道大约在2007年10月18日的100 km (日本标准时间。 跟随的时间与日期是所有JST。)

阿波罗计划是采取地球的图象的第一个使命上升在月亮。 KAGUYA顺利地射击了高清晰度图象的地球上升显示蓝色地球的一个印象深刻的图象哪些是在漆黑空间的唯一的浮动对象。 这些是从大约远离地球的380,000 km采取的世界的第一个高清晰度地球图象在空间。

图象采取由KAGUYA的在机上高清晰度电视(HDTV)执行为NHK开发的空间使用。 KAGUYA获取的移动的图象数据被接受了在JAXA Usuda外层空间中心,并且由NHK处理。


*注: 我们在这新闻发布使用表示“地球上升”,但是地球上升是从在月亮附近移动,例如KAGUYA和阿波罗太空船的卫星仅看的现象。 地球上升不能由是在月亮的人观察,他们能总是看到地球在同一个位置。

fsh2008bj 不是翻的挺好的吗?
第1个回答  2007-11-28
大哥 太长了吧
第2个回答  2007-11-28
KAGUYA (Ruzhinu:shen)
HDTV images taken by the Earth rise

Japan Aerospace Adventure Representative Office (JAXA) and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Station) successful implementation of the world's first high-resolution images taken by the Earth-moon rise * explorer "KAGUYA" (Ruzhinu:shen) have been injected into the height of a lunar orbit around October 18, 2007 the 100 km (Japan standard time. follow the time and date of all JST.)

Apollo is the image of the Earth taken the first increase in the moon mission. KAGUYA smooth shooting of high-resolution images of Earth showed up a blue Earth impressive images in the dark space which is the only floating objects. These are from some of 380000 km away from the Earth taken by the world's first high-resolution image of the Earth in space.

KAGUYA images taken from the plane in the high-definition television (HDTV) for the implementation of the development of space NHK. KAGUYA mobile access to the image data has been accepted in JAXA Usuda Outer Space Center, and the NHK processing.

The satellite was certified in good physical location of data through the Usuda Accepted resident.

* Note: we use in this press release that "the earth up", but up from the Earth's moon in the near Mobile, for example KAGUYA Apollo spacecraft and satellites only to see the phenomenon. Rising from the earth is not the person in the observation of the moon, they can always see the earth in the same location.

Fsh2008bj not turned a very good?