
Two data sets showing the summed concentrations of atrazine; carbamazepine; n,n-diety1-meta-toluamide (DEET), diazepam; diclofenac; dilantin; estradiol; estrone; ethynylestradiol; fluoxetine; gemfibrozil; meprobamate; naproxen; sulfamethoxazole; testosterone; and trimethoprim measured in the Las Vegas Wash and source drinking water are shown in Fig. 3A. Compounds which were not detected (reported as < X in the Supporting Information, where X equals the method reporting limit) were assigned a value of 0 to create Fig. 3A. It is important to note that diazepam, estradiol, and ethynylestradiol were never detected in source drinking water (see Supplemental Information). The circles and squares represent measurements made from the Method 1 and 2 analyses, respectively. As previously mentioned, these datasets are treated as separate, and are not combined due to differences in the analytical methodologies. The concentration of nitrate in the Las Vegas Wash, the Colorado River, and source drinking water are shown in Fig. 3B. Values for conductivity in the Las Vegas Wash, Colorado River, and source drinking water are shown in Fig. 3C.
A statistical analysis of both pharmaceutical and EDC dataset for significance of slope indicate that summed source water concentration increased at a rate significantly different from zero slope with > 99% confidence (Fig. 3A). The rate of concentration increase was 0.02 ng L-1D-1 (p<0.0001) for Method 1 and 0.008 ng L-1d-1 (p=0.004) for Method 2. The rate at which pharmaceutical and EDC concentrations increase or decreased in the Las Vegas Wash was not statistically different from zero for Method 1 data. Summed concentrations of pharmaceuticals and EDCs measured by Method 2 decreased at a rata of 1.0 ng L-1d-1 (p<0.0001), though this rata is heavily influenced by anomalously low November 2007 data point. Regardless, neither dataset shows an increase an concentrations of these compounds in the Las Vegas Wash. Though the flow of the Las Vegas Wash did increase at a rata that was statistically different from zero (slope=0.0000006 mL s-1d-1, p<0.0001; Fig. 2), the amount of increase was < 10% over this time period. Thus, the combination of Las Vegas Wash flow and pharmaceutical and concentrations yields a mass loading which increased by 10% far below the doubling (100% increase) of concentration observed in source drinking water over the same period of time. There are no data for the presence of these compounds in the Colorado River site, though concentrations should be negligible as there are no large inputs of wastewater upriver from Lake Mead.

记录硝酸盐总浓度的两个数据集、酰胺咪嗪、N,N-二乙基间苯胺(DEET)、重氮异胺、双氯芬酸、 二苯乙内酰脲、雌激素酮、乙炔基雌二醇、氟西汀、吉非罗齐、氨甲丙二酯、甲氧荼丙酸、磺胺甲恶唑、睾丸激素和在洛杉矶沃什河和水源饮用水测量的三甲氧下二氨嘧啶见图3A。没有检查出的化合物(在《支持资料》中记录为< X,此处的X等于条理制表限度)选定为0値制成图3A。记录地西泮、雌甾二醇和乙炔基雌二醇从未在水源饮用水中检查出来是重要的。圆形和正方形表示由1和2分析法分别绘制出的测定法。正如上文所说,这些数据集分别处理,由于分析方法学中的差异而不是综合处理。洛杉矶沃什河、科罗拉多河和水源饮用水中的硝酸盐浓度见图3B。洛杉矶沃什河、科罗拉多河和水源饮用水中的传导値见图3C。

药物和二氯乙烷的斜率重要数据的统计学分析都说明总得水源水浓度以不同于具有> 99% 置信度的0斜率的比率增加。浓度增加比率对于方法1为0.02毫克L-1D-1 (p<0.0001),方法2为0.008毫克 L-1d-1 (p=0.004)。洛杉矶沃什河中在药物和二氯乙烷浓度增加或减少上的比率对于方法2数据在统计上与0值不是有差异的。以方法2测出的医药品和二氯乙烷的总浓度以1.0 毫克 L-1d-1 (p<0.0001)的比率减少了,尽管这个比率严重地受到2007年反常的低数据点的影响,同时一些数据也没有表明洛杉矶沃什河中的一种增加和这些化合物的浓度。虽然洛杉矶沃什河的水流没有以相对准确度增加,这种相对准确度在统计学上有别于0 (斜率=0.0000006毫升 s-1d-1, p<0.0001;图2),但是增加量小于同期的10%。因此,洛杉矶沃什河水流和药物与浓度产生大规模的荷载,这种荷载以远低于达到同期在水源饮用水观察到的10%倍数(100% 增加)增加。虽然由于有从上游密德湖的废水输入而浓度可以被忽略,但是对于这些化合物的存在在科罗拉多河站点没有数据记载。

以下是另一段的译文(此段你已经选择最佳答案) :

2003年和2007年科罗拉多河水流和密德湖容积的下降可能是减少江河水流的部分趋势,这一点已经与气候变化有联系。20世纪期间,科罗拉多河平均水流由另个因素之一而下降,从1900年的大约1.9×10 13公升 (1500万英亩英尺)到2004年的大约8.6×10 12公升 (700万英亩英尺)(美国地质勘探局 2004)巴尔内特等人(2008)推断1950年和1999年中观察得出的与气候有关的趋势的60%(包括作为科罗拉多河水源的西落基山积雪)都归结于认为导致的气候变化。此外,研究者预测这种趋势将在未来的几十年中继续下去,进一步加重美国西南部的水源(巴尔内特等,2004;巴尔内特和皮尔斯,2008;麦克卡波和沃洛克,2007)。已经在美国广阔的草原地带(布里考斯基,2008)被观察到水资源不足和部分归结于气候变化的地表水流的减速形态之间的链环。


第1个回答  2011-05-19