Similar trends are observed for both nitrate and conductivity. Nitrate concentrations in the Las Vegas Wash did not change at a rata statistically different from zero (p=0.4) between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2007. Nitrate concentrations decreased in the Colorado River at a rata of 0.00007 mg L-1d-1 (p<0.0001), yet increased in source drinking water at a rate of 0.0002 mg L-1d-1 (p<0.0001) over this same time period. Conductivity in the Las Vegas Wash did not change at a rata statistically different from zero (p=0.03) between 1 Jan . 2003 and 31 Dec. 2007.Yet, conductivity decreased in the Colorado River at a rata of 0.04 uS cm-1d-1 (p<0.0001) and increased in the source drinking water at a rata of 0.05 uS cm-1d-1 (p<0.0001) over this same period. As was the case with concentrations of pharmaceuticals and EDCs, the increased loading associated with the slight increase in flow of the Las Vegas Wash over this time period does not alone account for the concomitant increase in nitrate and conductivity in source drinking water. This is especially true when one considers that historically, source drinking water is largely composed (95% of water from the Colorado River (LaBounty and Burns, 2005), where concentrations of nitrate and conductivity actually decreased over this time period. Thus, the discrepancy between loading and source water concentration is not explained by a hydrological explanation of a system at steady state. The increase in pharmaceutical and EDC concentrations, nitrate concentrations, and conductivity in source drinking water is due to the decline in volume of Lake Mead between 1 Jan . 2003 and 31 Dec. 2007. During this time, the volume of Lake Mead decline from approximately 65% capacity, to almost 50% capacity (Fig. 2) at a rata of 0.00007 d-1 (p<0.0001).
There are two major influences on the volume of water in Lake Mead: Colorado River flow, and reservoir management. Lake Powell, another large reservoir upriver from Lake Mead is also primarily fed by the Colorado River. Thus, the total volume of water in both reservoirs is dependant on the flow of the Colorado River, but the release from Lake Powell via the Glen Canyon Dam determines the actual inflow to Lake Mead. The Colorado River inflow to Lake Powell was generally below average over the time period discussed in this manuscript, a phenomenon that the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation attributed to drought. In this 5-yr span, only 2005 had an above-average annual inflow to Lake POWELL (105%). Inflow in the other 4 yr ranged between 49 and 73% (USBOR, 2009). It is the managed release from Lake Powell which serves as the inflow to Lake Mead, thus inflows to Lake Mead are influenced by both drought and reservoir management practices.
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