
阿魏酸酯酶(FAE, EC又称肉桂酸酯酶,是一类可降解植物细胞壁阿魏酸与木质素及阿拉伯半糖相连的酯键的水解酶。它能很好的解聚细胞壁,促进木聚糖酶、阿拉伯糖苷酶等纤维素酶对细胞壁的降解作用。阿魏酸酯酶在食品、饲料和造纸工业中有着光明的应用前景。
本文以实验室保存的1株产阿魏酸酯酶的土曲霉高产菌株4081作为诱变对象,通过PDA培养基培养后,制备孢子悬浮液,然后进行稀释和平板培养,确定诱变孢子最佳稀释度为10-5,之后利用紫外线照射不同时间(0.5—4min,每个区间为0.5min)进行诱变,试验确定当诱变时间为0.5min时,致死率为74%,因此后续的诱变试验均以此参数进行处理。从平板上挑选48株菌落,点种在阿魏酸乙酯的平板上,进行初筛培养。试验结果显示其中有3株产生透明圈大的突变株,分别编号为4082,4083,4084。对透明圈直径最大的菌株4082进行液体发酵培养,培养7d后,利用UV吸收法测定突变株和原始出发菌株的发酵上清液酶活,酶活分别为17.48和11.04 mU/ml,突变株比出发株产酶提高了58.3%。

阿魏酸酯酶(FAE, EC又称肉桂酸酯酶,是一类可降解植物细胞壁阿魏酸与木质素及阿拉伯半糖相连的酯键的水解酶。它能很好的解聚细胞壁,促进木聚糖酶、阿拉伯糖苷酶等纤维素酶对细胞壁的降解作用。阿魏酸酯酶在食品、饲料和造纸工业中有着光明的应用前景。

The Ferulic Acid Esterase (FAE, EC,, also known as cinnamic acid esterase, is a kind of hydrolase that degradesthe ester bonds connecting the ferulic acid, the lignin and the Arabia semi-sugar on plant cell wall. It depolymerizes well the cell wall, promotes thedegradation of cellulase as xylanase and Arabia glycosidase on the cell wall. The FAE has a bright prospect of application in food,feed and papermaking industry.



第1个回答  2013-06-07
Ferulic acid esterase (FAE, EC, also known as cinnamic acid esterase enzyme, is a class of plant cell wall degradation of ferulic acid is connected with the lignin and Arabia half sugar ester bond. It can depolymerize cell wall well, promote the degradation of xylanase and cellulase enzyme, Arabia on the cell wall. Ferulic acid esterase has a bright prospect of application in food, feed and papermaking industry.
This laboratory preserved 1 strains producing ferulate enzyme of Aspergillus terreus strain 4081 as the mutation object, culture medium by PDA, the preparation of spore suspension, and then the dilution and plate culture, determine the mutagenic spore dilution for 10-5, after the use of ultraviolet irradiation at different time (0.5 - 4min, each interval 0.5min) mutation, mutation testing to determine when the time was 0.5min, mortality was 74%, so the mutation test all subsequent processing order parameter. Selected 48 strains colony from the flat, at the front panel of ethyl ferulate, screening culture. Test results show that 3 of them have larger transparent circle of the mutant strain, were numbered 408240834084. The transparent circle diameter of the largest strain 4082 were liquid fermentation, after 7d culture, determination of mutant and fermentation supernatant enzyme original strain live absorption method using UV, enzyme activity were 17.48 and 11.04 mU/ml, mutant strain than strain enzyme production increased by 58.3%.
Mutant enzyme producing strain growth high ultraviolet mutagenesis, the ferulic acid esterase production and add a new study material.
第2个回答  2013-06-07
Ferulic acid esterase (detailed FAE, EC is also called the cinnamic acid esterase, ferulic acid is a kind of biodegradable plant cell walls, and linked to lignin and Arab half sugar ester bond of hydrolytic enzymes. Depolymerization of it can be a very good cell walls, and promote the xylanase, arabinoside enzyme and cellulose enzyme degradation of cell wall. Ferulic acid esterase in food, feed and papermaking industry has a bright application prospect.
This article 1 strains preserved in our laboratory to produce ferulic acid esterase soil aspergillus high-yield strains 4081 as object of mutagenesis by PDA culture medium after the training, preparation of spore suspension, then to dilute and plate culture, determine the best mutagenesis spores dilution degrees of 10 to 5, after the use of ultraviolet irradiation at different times (0.5-4 min, each interval of 0.5 min) mutagenesis, test to determine when the induced time of 0.5 min。