
Hello everyone, my name is Wang Xinyi, I am Wuhan Chongren road primary school student, I am eight years old this year, I most love the beautiful things to draw down, also like English, it accompanies me to the primary school from kindergarten, is my best friend, today I performed for all is a English song, name"I can sing a Rainbow"

Hello everyone, my name is Wang Xinyi, I am (a) Wuhan Chongren road primary school student, I am eight years old this year, (I most love the beautiful things to draw down 这句太混乱,要改为: I like to draw beautiful things very much), (要加 and I) also like English, it accompanies me to the primary school from kindergarten, (要加 it) is my best friend, today I (performed时态错了,应该是: I like to perform) for all is (a 要用 an) English song, name(是: named 或 called) "I can sing a Rainbow"

第1个回答  推荐于2016-05-02
Hello everyone, my name is Wang Xinyi, I am a student of Wuhan Chongren Road Primary School. I am eight years old this year.I love the beautiful things most (to draw down不知此处要表达何意) like English. It accompanies me from kindergarten to primary school, which is my best friend. Today I performed for all an English song named as "I can sing a Rainbow".本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2014-11-29
I am Wuhan Chongren road primary school student这句不符合英语规范,缺少冠词,可以用I am a primary school student who lives in Wuhan Chongren road.I most love the beautiful things to draw down语法错误改为I mostly love drawing down beautiful things.also like English语法错误,改为such as English.另外,英语中每一句只能有一个主语,is my best friend改为and it is my best friend. today I performed for all is a English song, name"I can sing a Rainbow"改为today what I performed for all is a English song, named"I can sing a Rainbow"
第3个回答  2014-11-29
Hello everyone, my name is Wang Xinyi, eight years old, come Wuhan Chongren road primary school
I love drawing beautiful things . I also like English studying, because it accompanied me since kindergarten, English is my best friend. Today I bring you an English song, named "I can sing a Rainbow"