高分,英文翻译,急急急!!! 不要在线翻译,要人工翻译,谢谢

The front end circuit of the new comparator is shown in Fig. 1. The configuration is derived from a Gilbert-type cell [4] with the addition of a conventional long-tailed pair current drive circuit and gain peaking. The input transistors QI and Q2 operate at low collector currents, about 0.5 mA, to ensure a low input bias current without input emitter followers, while the cascode devices Q5 and Q6 reduce Miller effect input capacitance terms. The cross-coupled pair Q3 and Q4 raise the small signal gain to 8.4, while maintaining a 3 dB rolloff frequency over 400 MHz, assisted by the peaking effect of the pole-zero cancellation resistors R3 and R4 [5]. The input configuration has some similarity to that of [6], but by the use of a faster process, and pole-zero cancellation, an improvement factor of 10 has been achieved. This is not without cost, primarily in power, and to some extent in power-delay product. However, in the case of a single comparator this is not usually significant; the criterion applied is absolute speed. An approximate indication of the gain distribution (based on SPICE prediction) is shown in Fig. 2. The stage gain-bandwidth tradeoff was considered very carefully in relation to the rest of the circuit and with respect to the input dynamic range requirement and output configuration. The final choice of gain distribution was arranged for similar rolloff points in each stage, although the limiting factor is the interstage level shift, which introduces both an attenuation and a reduction in bandwidth. Level shifting and the ECL-compatible output stages were essential in this application, but do represent the main speed limitation of the present design; a more desirable configuration would use direct termination of a multiple Gilbert cell array.
The comparator was designed on a 3 um minimum feature size junction isolated bipolar process, a variant of a current 4 Mm production process. A cross section of an n-p-n transistor is shown in Fig. 4. Small geometry devices offer low capacitances with good fT's (greater than 5 GHz) at reasonable current densities. Base width on the process is 0.15 um and emitter depth 0.3 um. Junction isolation offers process simplicity but suffers from higher sidewall capacitance. Circuit variants on an oxide isolated process are under investigation.

你好,你是学电子的吧; )
手工翻译,本人有电子背景 ; )
第1个回答  2011-06-01
其前端电路的新对照图1显示的是配置,推导出了Gilbert-type细胞[4]的加入,对常规尾电流驱动电路和增益顶峰。Q1和Q2输入晶体管集电极电流运转在低,约0.5马,以确保低的输入偏置电流没有输入发射器的追随者,而减少设备和Q6梁适安米勒效应问题输入电容的条件。第三,第四季度的非门对提高小信号增益,同时保持了8.4 3分贝八度频率超过400兆赫的帮助下取消率效应的pole-zero R3电阻和表型[5]。输入配置有一些相似的[6],但因为使用一个更快的过程,pole-zero取消,进行了改进,改进后的10倍,已经达到。这并不是没有成本,主要是在电力,并在某种程度上在power-delay产品。然而,在一个单一的比较器的情况下,这不是一般意义;规范应用是绝对的速度。一个近似估计增益分布(基于香料预测)是如图2号。舞台被认为是非常仔细地权衡增益的关系,以其馀的电路对输入和输出动态范围要求配置。最后的选择的增益分布相似点被安排在各阶段八度,虽然限制因素是转变的interstage水平,该方法引入了一种既衰减,从而减少了带宽。变速并使ECL-compatible输出水平阶段中非常重要的一个方面,但做这个应用程序的速度限制的主要代表目前这个设计,一个更理想的配置会使用直接终止的多重吉尔伯特单元阵列。
