
首先国家和政府要通过立法和公共政策等方式负起社会道德责任。公共健康的风险是影响全社会的问题,必须运用群体性手段,例如规则、政策和体制解决公共健康问题,建立新的规章制度和体制把公共健康永久性地制度化为各级政府部门,特别是政府和国家的责任。早在18世纪末期,人们便开始从学术上研究吸烟对于健康的危害。20世纪初期,流行病学调查发现肺癌与吸烟的关系,20世纪20年代,英美的医生都发现吸烟对于人们寿命的不良影响。20世纪60年代美国医政总署宣布,吸烟是一种与疾病和死亡有关的极为重要的因素,需要立即采取措施。1987年世界卫生组织总部宣布将1988年4月7日定为世界无烟日,而后又将5月31日作为每年的世界无烟日。1996年8月28日,美国食品和药品管理局出台了降低青少年对于烟草使用的规定,这些规定包括了对于烟草买卖的控制,禁止把烟制品出售给18岁以下的青少年,零售商与顾客必须面对面的直接交易,除了少数情况之外,禁止用自动售货机出售烟制品等。 在上个世纪50年代,美国吸烟的人数几乎为成年人的一半,吸烟不仅是正常的,也是可以接受的。烟草广告处处皆是。但到了上个世纪末,吸烟人口近乎减少一半。为什么?联邦和各州投入近亿元进行烟草控制,出台许多法律和规定,特别是要保护儿童免受烟草危害。
我国政府对于吸烟与健康的关系十分重视。国家制定的《烟草专卖法》对于烟草制品的生产、流通以法律的形式做出严格的规定,特别强调了禁止中小学生吸烟等内容。 2003年5月21日,第一个限制烟草的全球性公约——《WHO烟草框架公约》在第56届世界卫生大会获得通过,这是一个具有法律约束力的公共健康多边条约。我国政府也于2003年11月10日在联合国正式签署《WHO烟草框架公约》,这些努力都表明我国政府控制烟草危害的决心和对于人民健康负责的态度。

3. lower the morals responsibility of tobacco bane
How pass to lower tobacco bane to guarantee and promote a public health?This isn't only an ethics problem but also a social problem, need whole societies negative a morals responsibility, joint effort.
National first with the government want to pass lawmaking and public policy etc. method negative since the social morals responsibility.Public healthy of the risk influence whole social problems, have to make use of community means, for example rule, policy and system work°out a public and healthy problem, establishment new of regulation system and system public healthily permanent sex ground system change into an all levels government section, especially the responsibility of government and nation.As early as 18 centuries last phase, people then start from academic top the research smoking is for the healthy bane.20 century initial stage, the Epidemiology inquisition discovers lung cancer and the relation for smoke cigarette, 20's in 20 centuries, British and American doctors all discover smoking's bad influence toward people's life span.60's in 20 centuries the United States cures government headquarters to declare, smoke cigarette is a kind of extremely important factor which has something to do with disease and death, need to immediately adopt measure.World Health Organization headquarters declares in 1987 settle to have no smoke for the world for day on April 7, 1988, and then Be the world in every year May 31 to have no smoke again for day.On August 28, 1996, American food and drugs administration pedestal lower teenager's provision toward tobacco usage, these controls that the provision included for the tobacco business, forbid to sell the smoke ware to the teenager under 18 years of age, dealer and customer have to face to face of direct deal, in addition to a handful of circumstances outside, forbid to sell goods machine to sell smoke ware with the auto etc.. At the 50's in last century, the number of American smoking is almost the half of adult and smoke cigarette is not only normal but also acceptable.The tobacco advertisement is in everywhere all BE.But smoke cigarette population to almost reduce the end of last century half.Why?The federal throws in to be close to 100000000 dollars to carry on a tobacco control with each state, laws with many set and provision, especially want to protect a child to don't need is endanger by tobacco.
The our country government values to the smoking and the healthy relation very.National establishment of 《the tobacco particularly sells a method 》product to the tobacco of production, circulate to do a strict provision by the form of law, specially emphasized to forbid primary and junior high school to living to smoke cigarette etc. contents. On May 21, 2003, the global convention of the first restriction tobacco-《the WHO tobacco frame convention 》BE pass in the 56th World Health Assembly, this be a public and healthy multilateral treaty which has law binding force.The our country government also formally signs in United Nations on November 10, 2003 《the WHO tobacco frame convention 》, these are diligent to all express an our country government a control tobacco endanger of decision and healthily be responsible for to the people of attitude.
It is each secondly social related section, also include tobacco production and effort of the sale department.Currently our country state of the nation but speech, the lawmaking general ban smoking isn't realistic, in fact, tobacco of spread is synchronous with modern civilization, such as Japan, the operating load is heavy, competition vehemence, smoker comparison ascension.There is 30.79% in the science and technology personnel of our country currently, 28.36% is a smoke in the teacher people.Our measure of expediency for can adopt is to control smoke currently, have reasonableness ground production tobacco to product and have reasonableness ground a choice smoking.However, because of the understanding, habit, oneself character, cultural tradition etc. the influence of various factor, control smoke to be also a process, and also need to take the certain social material and the spiritual civilization as foundation.Under this kind of situation, each social related section, especially the tobacco produce and sell public health consciousness and social morals sense of responsibility of business enterprise to highlight, for example for tobacco produce business enterprise to say, the product which tries to develop to produce high aroma, low tar and low bane would be to society with public health be responsible for of performance, oneself is also a Chinese state of the nation currently under, 1 kind in the tobacco profession controls smoke behavior.Control and lower tobacco in of the tar content should be the development trend of tobacco industry, in this aspect, smoke factory in Xiamen represented a correct development direction.We aren't only also sincere to hope that the tobacco profession can constantly develop by this kind of social morals sense of responsibility science and technology content Gao, and still"green of" tobacco product, from low and burnt arrive harmless, can let the future tobacco really bring benefit to mankind.Again and effort of the all citizen.The promote of public health is a community behavior.Though the smoking is a kind of private behavior, but is 1 kind and can bring others to endanger a public and healthy problem.Tobacco conduct and actions a medium delivers the morals character of disease, oneself and to care and love of the others.Don't hurt others, perhaps and as far as possible injury of the degree reduce to lowest should be each citizen choice tobacco product pursue of target.Control the smoke be not only a kind of life style and habitual development but also mold of a kind of society civilization.
第1个回答  2007-02-01
Which way to lower moralistic responsibility of harm of cigarette
Do you come to run (Pass), to cause harm, to guarantee public health, and to promote cigarette in lowering?It makes an effort about cooperation the necessity of only not in question problem of one society of one ethics in addition and all societies the charge of a moralistic responsibility this. First of all, the nation and the government take charge of a moralistic responsibility of the society through the methods of legislation and a public policy, etc. (Pass). It is necessary to operate Muretai means, and because the risk of public health influences the problem of all societies, the policy and the system solve a public, healthy problem, make up a new rule system and the system, change into the section of the government of each class a public, healthy permanence system, and are the especially responsibilities of the government and the nation for instance regular. It is researched for people to start from the close in the 18th century and to smoke the cigarette of healthy harm on science. The relation that smokes the lung cancer and the cigarette investigating epidemiology when the 20th century is begun is discovered, and the doctor in Britain-U.S. discovers all cigarettes of a defective influence of people's longevities to be smoked in 20's century the 20th. United States..medicine..politics..headquarters..declare..cigarette..breathe in..kind of..disease..death..relate..extremely..critical factor..at once..measures..take.The headquarters of World Health Organization makes after it is scolded that it decides to the world on April 7, 1988 and there is no day of the cigarette because it declares and May 31 the world of every year in 1987 and there is no day of the cigarette. The product etc. of the cigarette prohibit marketing in the vending machine on August 28, 1996 things except dealings directly that should appear, pierce regulations that employs the falling youth about the cigarette, contain the bought and sold control of ..these regulations.. cigarette, prohibit marketing to the youth of 18 years old or less of the product of the cigarette, and be opposite and small number of situation the food of the United States and Administration Bureau of the medicine. In the past century only it is not normal, and can accept that the number of people in which the cigarette of the United States is smoked almost smokes the cigarette half the adult in 50's. The tobacco advertising is all so at every step. However, it arrives until the end of last century, and the population in which the cigarette is smoked decreases the half dangerously. Why do?The federation enters ..each state and hundred million.., controls the cigarette, appears, pierces a lot of laws and regulations, protects the child especially, and exempts the receipt in the harm of the cigarette.
第2个回答  2007-02-01
How do three, the morality responsibility reducing tobacco damage and promote common health by
reducing tobacco to come to ensure damage? Not only this be a ethics problem , but also be a social
problem, require that entire society takes on morality responsibility , make joint efforts. The
country and the government want to take on society morality responsibility by ways like legislation
and common policy first. Common healthy risk is to affect entire society's problem , the means
wielding a group be obliged to , regulation , policy compose in reply for instance system resolving
the common healthy problem , new rules and regulations of building-up and system institutionalize
common healthy permanency field for government departments at all levels , the government composes
in reply especially country's responsibility. The morning is in 18 generation