上善若水是不是the highest


The greatest goodness is that of water.
The highest good is like water.
The greatest virtue is like water.
The highest excellence is like (that of) water.
The highest realm of goodness is like water.
The supreme goodness is like water.

The greatest goodness is that of water.
The goodness of water is that it benefits the myriad things without striving;
it dwells in the place which all people detest (sc. the lowest).
Therefore it stands near to Tao (the Way).
For a dwelling-place one should (find best) prefer the simple soil,
for the heart one should prefer what is deep,
for intercourse one should prefer the benevolent [people],
for speech one should prefer truthfulness,
for government good order,
for action prefer ability,
for starting some work one should prefer seasonableness (the right time);
If one does not strive there will be no blame.