
Guess what guys, ive completed the game, and im gonna give a walkthrough.
1. First, look at your checklist. It will list a couple things you have to do. You need to complete those before you do anything else. Here they are: a. Call me when you get home. To do this just go to the room with a tv and click on the phone and press the yellow button. Done! (press the black button to go away from it). b. Mom’s pills are in the bathroom. Go upstairs and click on the sink picture. now click the cubboard. now there’s gonna be some scary thing! but then you’re done. c. get mom food from the refridgerator. just go into the tv room and click on the picture with lots of rice paper around it (there’s also a kitchen table). now click on the refrigherator. now click it again when it flashing again. Done! d. something about laundry. go to the porch and click on all of the photograph pictures. they will disappear. now go up the stairs, and click on the door straight ahead. click on it again BOOM! click on it again BOOM! and click it one more time SHA-BAM!! now open the closet (you could die here by chance) and hope you live, then click the closet again. Done! i think thats all of them. but when you have all your chores done, go upstairs and click on the door on the right. WARNING: THIS PART IS SCARY! now open the white, flashing closet just a creak. now open it again (you could die here by chance) and hope you live, THEN SEE A LITTLE BOY SITTING IN THE CLOSET. now click on the glowing blue opening over the closet (if you lived) to go to the attic. this is the part with the highest chance of you dieing. if you *somehow* (like i did) survive, move your mouse to the left, and grab the phone. click on it when it stops flashing. CONGRAGULATIONS! YOU WON!

a. 回家后打电话给我.你只需要到有电视的那个房间,点击电话,按下黄色按钮.好了!(按黑色按钮离开)
b. 妈妈的药片在厕所,上楼去点击水池的图片,点击橱柜.接下来可是会有吓人的事发生哦!但是你能完成的.
c. 从冰箱里给妈妈拿吃的.去有电视的那个房间里,点击上周围许多米纸的那张图片(那里还有一张饭桌).现在点击冰箱.当它再次闪烁时再点一下,好了,完成了!
d. 洗衣房里的东西.去手电筒那里,点击所有那些照片,他们会消失掉.现在上楼去,点击正前方的门.再点一下.轰!再点一下!轰!!再多点几下!!轰隆隆!!!现在点击储藏室(这里你可能会死,希望你能活下来),然后再点一下储藏室.完成!我想就是这些了.但是当你做完所有你的家务时,记得上楼点一下右面的门.警告: 这部分很恐怖! 然后打开闪着白光的吱吱作响的储藏室大门.再打开一次.(这里你可能会死,希望你能活下来).然后你会看见一个小男孩坐在储藏室里.然后点一下储藏室上方的亮蓝色的通道(如果你还活着的话),上到顶楼上面.这里你极有可能死掉!如果你侥幸活下来了(就像我一样),将你的鼠标移到屏幕左侧,点到电话上.当它不闪时点一下.

