
COGNITIVE radios are ideally suited for use in dynamic spectrum access networks in which there may be large variations in channel conditions from one session to the next. Such variations are common in networks that operate in a fixed frequency band, but the variations are more severe if the frequency band is changed for consecutive sessions. Each radio in a dynamic spectrum access network must be aware of its communication environment, and it must provide the information that other radios need in order to communicate with it efficiently. This information should besimple, easy to derive, and easy to send to neighboring radios. We focus on the information needed to adapt the error-control coding, modulation, and transmitter power for half-duplex packet transmissions.
A new session begins when one radio, referred to as the source, has a collection of packets to send to another radio, the destination. At the start of a new session, which may be in a different frequency band than the previous session, the protocol must adjust the transmitter power to provide reliable communications with minimal energy consumption and minimal interference to other radios. As the session progresses, the protocol must adjust the transmissions to compensate for changes in channel conditions. Our results demonstrate the extent to which the adaptive transmission protocol can rely only on code-rate adaptation to offset increased propagation loss. We show that when the cognitive radios must compensate for very large variations in the channel conditions, it is necessary to adapt the modulation also. Power increases are employed by our protocol only if the channel deteriorates so much during a session that changes in coding and modulation cannot provide enough compensation, which occurs very rarely.
The throughput performance of our protocol is compared with theoretical limits that are derived from considering ideal protocols and applying Shannon capacity results. We demonstrate that our protocol performs nearly as well as an ideal protocol that is given perfect channel-state information. The modulation formats that are available to the adaptive
transmission system span a range from bandwidth-efficient modulation to power-efficient modulation, which permits the adaptation to compensate for large changes in propagation loss. In order to keep the complexity low, bit-interleaved coded modulation is employed to obtain each combination of coding and modulation that is used by the adaptive transmission protocol. In this approach, it is simple to change the code and modulation independently, because the error-control codes are not tailored to specific modulation formats.

COGNITIVE radios are ideally suited for use in dynamic spectrum access networks in which there may be large variations in channel conditions from one session to the next. Such variations are common in networks that operate in a fixed frequency band, but the variations are more severe if the frequency band is changed for consecutive sessions. Each radio in a dynamic spectrum access network must be aware of its communication environment, and it must provide the information that other radios need in order to communicate with it efficiently. This information should besimple, easy to derive, and easy to send to neighboring radios. We focus on the information needed to adapt the error-control coding, modulation, and transmitter power for half-duplex packet transmissions.
A new session begins when one radio, referred to as the source, has a collection of packets to send to another radio, the destination. At the start of a new session, which may be in a different frequency band than the previous session, the protocol must adjust the transmitter power to provide reliable communications with minimal energy consumption and minimal interference to other radios. As the session progresses, the protocol must adjust the transmissions to compensate for changes in channel conditions. Our results demonstrate the extent to which the adaptive transmission protocol can rely only on code-rate adaptation to offset increased propagation loss. We show that when the cognitive radios must compensate for very large variations in the channel conditions, it is necessary to adapt the modulation also. Power increases are employed by our protocol only if the channel deteriorates so much during a session that changes in coding and modulation cannot provide enough compensation, which occurs very rarely.
The throughput performance of our protocol is compared with theoretical limits that are derived from considering ideal protocols and applying Shannon capacity results. We demonstrate that our protocol performs nearly as well as an ideal protocol that is given perfect channel-state information. The modulation formats that are available to the adaptive transmission system span a range from bandwidth-efficient modulation to power-efficient modulation, which permits the adaptation to compensate for large changes in propagation loss. In order to keep the complexity low, bit-interleaved coded modulation is employed to obtain each combination of coding and modulation that is used by the adaptive transmission protocol. In this approach, it is simple to change the code and modulation independently, because the error-control codes are not tailored to specific modulation formats.
第1个回答  2008-11-19
认知收音机理想地说适用用于也许有在渠道条件上的大变化从一个会议到下的动态光谱通入网络。 这样变异是共同的在一条固定频率带经营的网络,但是变异是更加严厉的,如果频带为连贯会议被改变。 在一个动态光谱通入网络的每台收音机一定知道它的通信环境,并且它必须提供其他收音机需要为了与它高效率地联络的信息。 这信息如果besimple,容易获得,和容易送到邻居收音机。 我们集中于必要的信息适应半双工小包传输的误差控制编制程序、模块化和发射机力量。
A新的会议开始,当一台收音机,指来源,有送的小包的一汇集到另一台收音机,目的地。 在一个新的会议的开始,比早先会议也许在一个不同的频带,协议必须调整发射机力量供给可靠的通信最小的能源消耗和最小的干涉给其他收音机。 当会议进步,协议必须调整传输补尝在渠道情况上的变化。 我们的结果展示能适应的传输协议可能仅依靠代码率适应抵销增加的传播损失的程度。 我们表示,当认知收音机必须补尝非常在渠道上时的大变化适应,它是必要也适应模块化。 力量增量由我们的协议使用,只有当渠道非常恶化在编制程序和模块化上的变化不可能提供足够的报偿,很少发生的会议期间。
The我们的协议生产量表现与从考虑理想的协议和申请Shannon容量结果获得的理论极限比较。 我们显示出,我们的协议几乎执行并且提供完善的渠道状态信息的一个理想的协议。 对能适应是可利用的模块化格式
transmission系统间距从带宽高效率的模块化的一个范围到力量高效率的模块化,允许适应补尝在传播损失上的大变化。 为了保持复杂低,位交错的被编码的模块化被使用获得能适应的传输协议使用编制程序和模块化的每个组合。 在这种方法,因为误差控制代码没有为专门制作具体模块化格式,是简单的独立地改变代码和模块化。
第2个回答  2008-11-19
认知无线电通讯设备非常适合用于在动态频谱接入网络,其中可能有大的变化条件下的渠道从一个会议到下一个。这种变化是常见的经营网络,在一个固定的频带,但变化更严重的是,如果频带是连续变化的会议。每个电台在动态频谱接入网络必须了解其通信环境,它必须提供的信息,其他收音机,以便需要与它交流效率。这方面的资料应当besimple ,易于获得,便于向周边收音机。我们专注于必要的信息,以适应纠错编码,调制和发射机功率为半双工数据包传输。
第3个回答  2008-11-19
第4个回答  2008-11-19
第5个回答  2008-11-20