

网上书店是通过电子信息技术、网络互联技术和现代通讯技术,使得交易涉及的各方当事人借助电子方式联系,实现整个交易的电子化。由于信息技术的逐渐完善和国际贸易的日益发展,网上书店应运而生。本系统是基于ASP.NET 在Windows XP系统下,以SQL Server 2005为数据库开发平台,开发的网上书店系统。前台设计具有用户注册、用户登录、图书搜索、购物车等功能;后台设计具有订单管理、图书管理、会员管理等功能。对数据库的操作方面,使用了存储过程,增强了SQL语言的功能和灵活性,并可以完成复杂的判断和较复杂的运算。本文重点描述了系统可行性分析、功能需求分析、总体设计以及一些重要模块的详细设计。

The online bookstore is through electronic and information technology, network interconnection technology and modern communications technology, making transactions the parties through electronic means, the entire transactions. Due to the gradual improvement of the information technology and the growing development of international trade, the bookstore was born. This system is based on the asp.net in the Windows XP system to SQL Server 2005 database development platform, the development of an online bookstore. The front design with user registration, user login, book search, shopping carts, and other functions; the background design with order management, library management, membership management capabilities. On the database, use a stored procedure, enhances SQL language features and flexibility, with the ability to perform complex judgment and more complex operations. The focus of this article describes the system feasibility analysis, functionality, requirements analysis, design, and some of the important modules of the detailed design.