
通过会议中方股东需要向您说明:我们会在正式合作协议签署后提供给您中国地区的股权和亚洲其他国家的代理费用,但股东大会一致决定因为品牌需要进入中国,MICA Beauty的药监费用是需要由美国方承担。
毕竟合作在即,我们确信有我们在是MICA Beauty在中国及亚洲区域市场运作最有能力、最好的、最合适的,也是我们这么长时间建立起来的合作基础!谢谢您的理解和配合!

First of all, We readed your email earnest, as the delegate of China, we are really thankful for your support to our work and the gather of fiiles, however, we need to trust and respect each other in the cooperation of two countries. Because of some shareholders' queries and requests, we needed those files from you. We really want to build trusting between us and we believe it makes us to have a faster and more friendly cooperation, we hope you can understand it and support us.

According to the meeting, the chinese shareholders' want to explain to you that: we will give you the stock right of china area and other Asian countries' agency commission after we make the cooperation treaty formally. On the other hand, the shareholders' meeting agreed that because the brand is going to China, America should assume the cost of drug safety of MICA Beauty.

Last but also the most important,we are sure that we are the best and the most appropriate in the China and Asian area for running MICA Beauty, it is also the base we have beenning built for a long time! Thanks for you understood and cooperation.(Besides, our company has been running more than ten foreign brands in the Asian market, prophase, metaphase and later period got their admit.)
第1个回答  2013-04-26
如果贵公司在寻求国际合作,或者已经在与合作方进行沟通的话,如果贵公司找不到一个雇员能翻译这段话,我建议你们尽快雇佣一个有一定英语能力的员工, 或者把沟通的工作外包。