
Wheel Alignment
The purpose of proper wheel alignment is to provide maximum safety, ease of handling, stability, and directional control of the vehicle. This requires that each of the steering angles (steering geometry) be adjusted to the specifications recommended by the vehicles require different settings. Follow the specific shop manual for each vehicle. The wheels must also be in proper dynamic and static balance to achieve these purposes.
Steering geometry refers to the angels formed by the steering and suspension parts in relationship to the frame and body of the vehicle. These angles include camber, caster, steering axis inclination, toe in (toe out), and toe out on turn (turning radius). Ideally, the vehicle center line, geometric center line, and the thrust line would all be identical and the car would form a perfect 90о rectangle. Because of factory tolerances and the unitized construction common to today’s cars, this is rarely, if ever, the case.
On all vehicles it is important to remember that the rear axle dictates the position of the front wheels. On frame-type vehicles, two-wheel alignments are taken from the frame and the rear axle is assumed to be in correct alignment. On unitized vehicles with four wheel independent suspension, there is no frame to work with, so we can no longer assume that rear wheels are in correct alignment; therefore, four-wheel alignment is necessary to give proper steering and handling.
Tracking and wheelbase
For proper tracking, all four wheels must be parallel to the frame. This requires that the wheelbase to equal on both sides of the vehicle. The four wheels should be positioned to form a rectangle.
Camber is the inward or outward tilt of the wheel at the top. Inward tilt is negative camber and outward tilt is positive camber. The tilt of the wheel (camber) is measured in degrees and is adjustable on many vehicles.
Caster is the forward or backward tilt of the spindle or steering the knuckle at the top when viewed from the side. Forward tilt is negative caster and backward tilt is positive caster. Caster is measured in the number of degrees that it is forward or backward from true vertical and is adjustable on many vehicles.
Steering Axis inclination
Steering axis inclination is the inward tilt of the steering knuckle at the top. Steering axis inclination is measure in degrees and is not adjustable. If incorrect, suspension parts are at fault and must be replaced.

督导几何是指以天使组成的督导和悬挂系统零件,在关系的框架和车身。这些角度包括曲面,连铸机,转向轴倾角,在趾(趾列) ,并趾列於之交(转弯半径) 。理想的情况下,车辆中心线,几何中心的路线,和推力线都将是相同的和汽车会形成一个完美的90度矩形。因为工厂的公差和统一的建设到今天的汽车,这是很少,如果以往任何时候都如此。
第1个回答  2008-05-09

适当的车轮调整将提供最大安全完整性、舒适性,稳定和车的方向控制性能。 这要求其中每一个转向角(指点几何)到车建议使用的规格调整要求有不同的设置。 要依据每辆车的具体商店指南。 轮子必须也达到这些适当的动态和静态平衡。 几何中提到在支点和悬浮零的位置关系形成对框架和车身。 这些角度包括反挠度、铸工、操纵的轴倾向、脚趾(脚趾)和脚趾在轮(转动的半径)。 理论上,车中心线、几何中心线和推力线全部是相同的,并且汽车将形成一个完善的90о长方形。 由于工厂容忍和统一化的设计,对于今天的汽车,这很少是实际情形。 在所有车上重要的是后轴前轮的位置。 在框架类型车,二轮子对准线从框架被采取,并且后轴假设在正确对准线。 在与四轮独立悬浮的统一化的车上,没有工作的框架与,因此我们可以不再假设,后轮在正确对准线; 因此,四轮对准线是必要给适当指点和处理。 跟踪和轴距 为适当跟踪,全部四个轮子一定是平行的与框架。 这要求轴距对均等在车的两边。 应该安置四个轮子形成长方形。 反挠度 反挠度是轮子的内部或向外掀动在上面。 内部掀动是消极反挠度,并且向外掀动是正面反挠度。 轮子(反挠度)的掀动用程度被测量并且是可调整的在许多车。 铸工 铸工是纺锤或指点的向前或落后掀动指关节在上面,当观看从边。 向前掀动是消极铸工,并且落后掀动是正面铸工。 铸工在它从真实垂直是向前或落后的并且是可调整的在许多车程度的数量被测量。 指点轴倾向 指点轴倾向是转向关节的内部掀动在上面。 指点轴倾向是在程度的措施并且不是可调整的。 如果不正确,是因为悬浮零件不当,必须替换。
第2个回答  2008-05-13