帮我用英语翻译一下这段话 谢谢了!

这个暑假 我和表妹一家去了北戴河 那里有蔚蓝的大海 柔软的沙滩 美丽极了 我们坐了游船 玩了滑沙 还捡了许多的贝壳 非常的开心

this summer vacation,my sister and me go to the BeidaiRiver together.There have cerulean sea and soft sand.It's very beautiful!We boating, sliding hoarse and pick a lot of conch,wehacv a good day.
第1个回答  2008-07-30
This summer vocation,I went to BeiDai river with my sister's family.There is the blue sea and the soft beath.How beatiful!We took the pleasure-boat,played sand skiing and picked lots of shells.
What a fun day!
第2个回答  2008-07-30
this summer I went to Beidaihe, a cousin, where the soft blue ocean is a beautiful beach we take a cruise on the Huasha also seized a number of shells is very happy
第3个回答  2008-07-30
The summer holiday ,I went to the Beidai River with my cousin's family where there's the blue sea and the soft beach. How beartiful!We had taken the pleasure-boat and enjoyed playing the seaside-sand,in addition,picked up so many shells.We were so happy !