谁帮我翻译几个句子,要自己翻译的哦 翻译成英文

秦时明月的英文是qinsmoon 1.预计秦时明月的第四部将在这个暑假上映 2.你可以看到他的风格既不偏日式也不偏美式,具有浓厚的中国特色 3.秦时明月的人物制作也是最费功夫的一项过程,有时候一个配角的全部制作就可能需要很长时间。 4.我认为配音部分最大的问题就是女性角色的声音区分度不够 5.配乐是由 the one studio 公司制作,它一直都在追求音乐的民族化,专业化和时尚话化 6.秦时明月的配乐主要是中国古代民族乐器为主,有时会加上电子音乐的变奏 7.这些是其中一些配乐的名称 8.当然,好的作品会获得很多荣誉,我挑了一些有分量的展示给大家 9.我想给大家一个比较客观的秦时明月,所以我就把这些放在了ppt中 10.但有些很难判断到底是抄袭还是借鉴 11.尽管秦时明月有很多缺点,但是我还是一如既往的喜爱它 12.因为他发行的很慢所以我有可能会和我的孩子一起来看大结局了 13.人物制作有他自己的一套方法,它也并非是完全3d化,而是3d到2d的渲染(这句能翻译就翻译,不能翻译就算了)

  1 It seems like that the season four of Qinsmoon will be published this summer.

  2.As we can see that it’s style is neither American nor Japanese .It has strong Chinese characteristics.

  3. Qinsmoon’s characters-manufacturing is almost a process which requires most efforts , so sometimes even a supporting role may need a long time to be perfected.

  4.I think that the biggest problem of dubbing is that the voices of female roles do not sound different enough to be distinguished.

  5.配乐是由 the one studio 公司制作,它一直都在追求音乐的民族化,专业化和时尚话化
  5.The music in Qinsmoon is composed by a music company called The One Studio, which is pursuing a much more national, professional, and fashioned musical style all the time.

  6.The music in Qinsmoon is mainly constituted by pieces those played by Chinese ancient musical instrument, with a couple of those so-called electronic music.

  7.Here are some of the names of the soundtracks.

  8.Of course, good works will get a lot of awards. Here, I pick some important ones to show you.

  9. I want to show Qinsmoon to you in a much more objective way, so I put these in my PPT.

  10.However, some are really difficult to tell weather it is a copy or just a borrowing.

  11.Although Qinsmoon has a number of shortcomings, it will always be my favorite one.

  12.Because it is so slowly published, I may well be watching it’s ending with my child.
  13.Qinsmoon has it’s own way on the characters-manufacturing. It is rather a render from 3D to 2D than a total 3D work.
第1个回答  2012-04-18
1.Estimated when Qin bright moonlight fourth will screen in this summer vacation
2.You can see his style does not offset, offset-is not American, has a strong Chinese characteristics
3.When Qin the bright moonlight character manufactures also is most spends the time a process, sometimes a supporting role's completely manufacture on possible need very long time.
4.I think that the dubbing some of the biggest problem is the sound of women's roles distinguish enough
5.The music is by the production company studio one, and it has always been music in the pursuit of national, professional, and stylish phone
6.When Qin Ming with the music, mainly because China's ancient musical instrument, sometimes coupled with a variation of the electronic music
7.These are the name which some dub in music 8. certainly, the good work can obtain very many honors, I selected some to have the component demonstration to give everybody
8.Of course, good works will get a lot more honor, I pick a number to show you that component of the
9. I want to give a more objective when the Qin Dynasty, Ming, so I have to put this in in the PPT
10.However, some difficult to judge in the end is copied or draw
11.Although Qin Ming, when there are a number of shortcomings, but I am, as always the favorite it
12.Because he distributes very slowly therefore I had the possibility to be able to watch the big result together with mine child
13.The character manufactures has his set of methods, it also by no means is completely 3d, but is 3d to the 2d exaggeration追问

我不要机器翻译的,明显不通啊, 要句子简单的,单词也简单我英语很差的

第2个回答  2012-04-18
I English is qinsmoon1 expected I will in this summer fourth release2you can see his style is neither partial Japanese nor partial American, with strong Chinese characteristics3Qin moon characters making is the effort of a process, sometimes a supporting cast of all production would need a very long time. 4 I think that the voice part of the biggest problem is the female voice discrimination is not5 soundtrack is by the one studio company production, which has always been the pursuit of music nationalization, professional and fashion words6Qin moon soundtrack is the main Chinese ancient ethnic musical instruments, sometimes combined with electronic music variation7 of these are some soundtrack in 8of course, good works will gain a lot of honor, I picked out some component of the show to you9 I want to give you a more objective Qin moon, so I put these in10 in PPT but somewhat difficult to judge whether to copy or use for reference11 though I have many shortcomings, I still like it as in the past12because he released slowly so I can and my children to see the end of making13figures has his own set of methods, it is not completely3D, but3D to 2d rendering