

    I'm ordinary, simple and down-to-earth. I would rather use my own two feet to chase after my dreams than to hope senselessly for the day I fly.

    Humans need to breathe, to inhale and live up to our expectations, to exhale and to fight for our own rights.

    To the world, I may be insignificant, but to myself, I'm everything.

    The night is darkest before the dawn, and even then the moment where the sun first encompasses the ground is a fleeting moment.

    What's precious is determination, what's difficult is also determination, and what makes one successful is also determination.

    Don't crumble when faced with stress, for we are the most beatiful when we face the obstacles with a open mind and dance together with the strong wind.

毕竟华文转换为英文意思上可能对不准,但我已经尽力了!这些句子都很诗意化 (:特别是第二句,翻译过来有点怪。

第1个回答  2013-09-07
1.I am ordinary also is very simple, I don't want to fly, rather than chasing with their feet
2.People alive to breathe, breathe, out of breath, sorption contend for a sigh of relief
3.To the world, I am small, but for myself, I am full
4.Preparation, needs for a whole night, and the sun to surrender the earth is just a blink
5.In and difficult to insist on and sticking to it.
6.Don't be afraid of pressure, because we are the most beautiful of the wind
第2个回答  2013-09-07
1、I 'm ordinary an simple,I don't want to fly, rather use the foot to chase.
2、People need to breathe in order to live,the inhalationor ,out of breath.The exhalationor,strive for vindication.
3、For this world,i'm negligible,but for me,i'm the whole world.
4、To prepare for the sunrise need a whole night,but the sunshine the sun to the earth is just a moment.
5、The value is in perseverance, hard to insist ,and the success lies in perseverance.
6、Don't be afraid of pressure,because we dance in the wind is the best.【嘿嘿 译得不好 希望采纳呦 O(∩_∩)O~】追问

inhalationor exhalationor,这两个单词你确定有?????


呵呵 我也是不会 百度了一下 O(∩_∩)O~
