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Passer-by: Sure! You reckon me as a fool?

R: Oh, I am sorry! Well, do you like E-shoping? Do you often go online shopping?

P: Yeah, I like it and I am buying almost everything online. It's so convenient!

R: Then at which website do you usually buy?

P: I prefer Taobao. Because it's the most popular online shopping website and offers the more trendy goods, more online shops and lower prices than any other sites.

R: How do you like to pay?

P: I prefer online banking. I used to pay via paypal, but l turned to online banking since my friend's account was embezzled.

R: Thank you very much for your cooperation.

R: I believe that you certainly like online shopping very much as a online shopkeeper.

Online shop: No, you don't get it. I don't like online shopping because there are too many fakes and defective goods on the net.

O: I sell genuine goods only, but while too many unscrupulous merchants are seeling fakes and defective goods for cheating customers out of their money, our credit as well as sales are also ruined.

R: Oh, what a pity! Could you please drop us a hint how to distinguish the fakes from the genuine ones on the net?

O: Eh, that's not so easy! Otherwise there won't be so many fakes and defective goods online. What I can do is to warn you not to be out for small advantages, not to readily believe the shops that sell goods at unbelievably low prices. That's all I can help.

R: Thanks a lot for your advice!

R: What do you think is the impact on the sales of physical shops from the increasingly popular online shopping.

Physical shop: There is indeed impact. We've lost some of the customers to online shops as online shopping is cheaper and more convenient. But we really have many clients who don't believe online shops and still turn to us. But with the rapid development of internet, I am expecting fewer and fewer clients to buy at physical shops.

R: You're very farsighted! Then what is the solution you can suggest to the impact on physical shops.?

P: I can't give any solution at all. Maybe it's the trend of the times! But I'm learning how to operate an online shop and I'm going to run the online shop and physical shop at the same time in the near future. I believe I can make more money in this way.

R: Good luck to you!
第1个回答  2012-06-10
Reporter: Do you know shopping on the net?
Passer-by: Of course. Do you think I am a fool?
R: Oh, sorry. Then do you like shopping on the net? Do you often do shopping on the net?
P: Yes, I like shopping on the net. And I buy almost everything on the net. It's very convienent.
R:In which website do you often do shopping?
P: I like to buy things on Taobao net. Because it's the hottest shopping website. There are the latest and the most fashion goods and the most web stores to choose, the lowest and most discount price.
R: What kind of payment do you use?
P: I often use e-bank. I used to use Pay Treasure before. But I change to use e-bank when my friend's Pay Treasure account was stolen.
R: Thank you for your cooperation.
R: As a web shop-keeper, I think you must like shopping on the net.
Shop-keeper: No, you are wrong. I don't like shopping on the net at all, because there are too many false articles and defectives.
S: Even though I always sell real goods, there are too many bad shop-keepers using false articles and defectives to cheat guests, which leads to a low credit and which also affects our sale amount.
R: That's too bad. Can you teach us how to tell the real goods from the false ones?
S: Hm, that's very difficult. That's why there are so many false goods. I can only remind that not to be on the fiddle and not to trust on the shop-keepers who sell things at a very low price. That's all.
R: Thank you for your remind.
R: Now that shopping on the net is more and more popular, do you think it affect the sales in the entity shops?
Entity shop: Yes, it does. Shopping on the net makes me lose some customers, because it is lower in price and more convienent. However there are still more and more customers who don't trust the shop-keepers on the net. They are willing to buy things in my shop. But network is developing very rapidly, maybe there will be less and less customers buying things in entity shops.
R: You take a long-range view of things. Do you have any solution for the affecting on shopping on the net to the entity shop?
E: I don't have any solution now. That maybe the trend. Now I am learning to open a net-shop. I will have a net-shop as well as an entity shop. I believe I can earn more and more money.
R: Good luck to you.
第2个回答  2012-06-10
reporter:excuse me,do you know the net shopping?
passerby:ofcause,did you think i‘m a foolish gay?
reporter:oh,i'm sorry,do you like shopping in the net,and do you usually do that?
passerby:yes,i like that,and i buy almost everything on line!it is so convenient!
reporter:which webside you chose usually?
passerby:i like the taobao webside,because it is the most popular webside,it has the newest goods,you can chose more net shop,and the goods is very cheap!
reporter:so how do you pay for your goods?
passerby:i use the net silver.i used the ZhiFubao before,but my user id was lose.
reporter:thanks for your patient.

reporter:as a net shop's host,i think you must be liking shopping in the net!
shop:no,you are wrong ,i don't like shopping in the net because of so much fack goods!
shop:though i sell the goods,but there's so many shop hosts sell fack goods to lie the customer,it leads to low population and less sales volume.
第3个回答  2012-06-10
第4个回答  2012-06-10