
开始接触。在巴西,当地的联系者是必需的。你的第一封联络信件应该用葡萄牙语写,并且说明,如果可能的话,以后你将用英语联络。要提前两周预定约会,要在办公室而不是在饭店或者酒吧见面。不要希望很快就进入谈生意的阶段,巴西人需要时间来了解你。 关系。在谈生意之前,要花费一定的时间来建立良好的、令人愉悦的、 放松的关系。闲聊的好话题有足球、巴西历史、文学和旅游地,还有,你的家乡和地区的事情。在要做大生意之前,你或许需要到巴西访问两到三次。和其他拉丁人一样,巴西人重视深厚的、长期的关系。  时间观念。在巴西南部,商务人士越来越看重严格的计划表和准时性,尤其是在圣保罗(Sao Paulo)———全国的商业首府,但是对于贪玩的人来说,时钟以不同的速度在转动。在那里,你或许会发现你要等待你的当地伙伴一个小时或者更长时间。但是,商务访问者还是应该准时。  等级制度、社会地位和尊敬程度。在巴西,一个人的地位更多地取决于他的社会阶层、教育和家庭背景而不是个人成就。商务访问者可以通过下列方式提高他们的社会地位:在智力追求方面表现出强烈的兴趣,着装得体和住在高档的宾馆。  富于表情的交流风格。巴西人民热情、友好,一般都很健谈,善于运用非语言表达方式以及在公众场合表露自己的情绪。如果你在谈话的过程中被人打断,不要生气,因为在巴西打断谈话并不是无礼的行为。但是,在谈判中,要避免直接的冲突。另一个表示友好的方式就是,巴西人在说话时,相互站的很近,并且和谈话的人之间有强烈的眼神接触。男性和女性都经常性地使用手势。不要做出“A-OK”的手势,这在巴西是个很不礼貌的手势。另一方面,“fig”手势,在一些拉丁美洲国家属于粗俗的手势,但是在巴西却表示祝你好运。这个手势的做法是,握紧拳头,大拇指在食指和中指之间,指向朝上。衣着规范。通常,男性经理们穿流行的三件套,办公室职员穿两件套。男性访问者应该知道 ,合适的商业服饰经常会包括长袖衬衫,即使是在夏天。巴西男士会和穿短袖的男访问者开玩笑,称其为女式衬衫。商业女性应该穿端庄的套装或者礼服,还有衬衫和裙子。女士的衬衫可以是短袖的。男性和女性都应该避免穿黄色和绿色的服装,因为那是巴西国旗的颜色。

Came into contact with. In Brazil, the local contact is required. The first letter of your contact letter should be written in Portuguese, and that, if possible, later you will be contacted in English. To two weeks ahead of scheduled appointments, in the office rather than meet in a restaurant or bar. Do not expect to soon enter the stage, do business and Brazilians need time to understand you. Relationship. Before business meetings, to take some time to build a good, pleasant, relaxed relationship. Topic around football, Brazilian history, literature and tourist destination, as well as your hometown and region thing. To do before the big business, you may need to go to Brazil to visit two or three times. And other Latin and Brazilian emphasis on deep, long-term relationship. Concept of time. In southern Brazil, business people increasingly value the rigorous schedule and punctuality, especially in Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo) --- the country's commercial capital, but for the fun of the people, the clock turning at different speeds. . There, you may find you have to wait for your local partner for an hour or longer. However, business visitor or should be on time. Hierarchy, social status and respectability. In Brazil, a person's status depends more on his social class, education and family background rather than individual achievement. Business visitors can improve their social status in the following ways: a strong interest in intellectual pursuit, dress appropriately, and to live in an upscale hotel. Expressive exchanges style. Brazilian people are warm, friendly, generally very talkative, good at using non-verbal expression, and to show their emotions in public. If you are in the course of conversation was interrupted, do not be angry, to interrupt the conversation is not rude behavior in Brazil. However, in the negotiations, to avoid direct conflict. Another said that the friendly way the Brazilians when they speak each other station very close, and the conversation between the strong eye contact. Both men and women often use gestures. Do not make the "A-OK" gesture, this is a very rude gesture in Brazil. On the other hand, the "fig" gesture, a vulgar gesture in some Latin American countries, but in Brazil, I wish you good luck. This gesture, clenched fist, the thumb between the index and middle fingers point upward. Dress code. Typically, the male managers wear the popular three-piece, and the office staff to wear two-piece. Male visitors should be aware that the appropriate business clothing often includes long-sleeved shirt, even in summer. Brazilian men and men to wear short-sleeved visitors jokingly called blouses. Business women should wear a dignified suit or dress, shirt and skirt. Ms. shirt with short sleeves. Both men and women should avoid wearing yellow and green clothing, because that is the color of the flag of Brazil.