
负责保管和登记过journal日记账、balance sheet余额表、分户账subsidiary ledger、general ledger总账,inter-branch account联行往来账等,负责过每月一次的存款余额增减变化分析,找出变化的原因,为决策提供依据。负责受理转账支票、承兑汇票、托收等。

Responsible for the custody and registered journal, book balance sheet balances, sub-ledger subsidiary ledger, general ledger general ledger, inter-branch account of the trip between accounts, and so on, who was responsible for the monthly changes in the balance of deposits of changes, identify change reasons, provide the basis for decision-making. Responsible for accepting and handling the transfer cheques, foreign exchange, collection, etc..
The company responsible for the implementation of the plan, credit monitoring reports, a large number of figures and tables to reflect the monthly credit plan targets and the completion of major issues, including the balance of loans and the loan structure, loans dropping, five-level loan classification, distribution, credit rating, and non-performing loans accounted for the balance, compared with the beginning of all these changes in the reasons for the changes, bank credit to provide the most intuitive decision-making basis. In addition, small businesses in the city problem of difficulties in financing for the investigation and analysis of the major credit, loan zone survey, foreign currency certificates of deposit survey, the banks foreign exchange investigation.
Full-time undergraduate education

