
本文论述了一种利用单片机为主要部分,通过软件编程实现超声波测距的简单电路,其中核心器件采用ATML公司生产的低电压,高性能 CMOS8位单片机——AT89C51。在文中首先用详实的文字和图片介绍了超声波测距的原理,同时对超声波发射电路、接收电路和显示电路工作原理进行介绍,并且描述了硬件电路构成的几个重要元件LM358、LM567的工作原理和性能,其中LM567是作为选频电路,在引脚输出负脉冲来触发单片机的中断程序,最终实现控制功能;LM358内部包括有两个独立的、高增益、内部频率补偿的双运算放大器,可以对接收到的超声波转换电信号实现电压放大。文章对系统软件设计部分进行了详细的叙述,这主要包括以下部分:程序流程图、主要程序。

This article elaborated one kind of use monolithic integrated circuitis the main part, through the software programming realizationultrasonic ranging simple electric circuit, core component uses thelow voltage which ATML Corporation produces, high performance CMOS8position monolithic integrated circuit - AT89C51. First used thedetailed writing and the picture in the article introduced theultrasonic ranging principle, simultaneously to the ultrasonic wavetransmission circuit, the accepting circuit and the display circuitprinciple of work carried on the introduction, and described severalimportant parts LM358, the LM567 principle of work and the performancewhich the hardware electric circuit constituted, LM567 was theachievement chooses the frequency electric circuit, output thenegative pulse in the pin to trigger the monolithic integrated circuitthe interrupt routine, finally realized the control function; TheLM358 interior includes two to be independent, the high gain, internalfrequency correction double operational amplifier, may dock theultrasonic wave transformation electrical signal realization voltageamplification which receives. The article has partially carried on thedetailed narration to the system software design, this mainlyincluding below part: Program flow diagram, main program.