
关键词: 产品组合 相对市场占有率 销售增长率

Abstract : This article is a detailed investigation on the basis of research enterprises, and enterprises have a preliminary understanding of the current situation, Knowledge light product portfolio strategy, including product breadth, depth and density; the type of product portfolio strategy; product portfolio strategy analysis and so on. Quadrant analysis and use of the two Boston Matrix product portfolio strategy analysis, Analysis of enterprise product portfolio strategy. In a detailed analysis of the situation, summed up the problems existing enterprises. Then related countermeasures and suggestions that the prices of organic products and enterprises from the combination of the loss product portfolio expand the product portfolio in these three areas make some adjustments so that the product mix has become more rational, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing profits.
Key words : product portfolio relative market share sales growth
第1个回答  2007-04-20
Abstract : This article is a detailed investigation on the basis of research enterprises, and enterprises have a preliminary understanding of the current situation, Knowledge light product portfolio strategy, including product breadth, depth and density; the type of product portfolio strategy; product portfolio strategy analysis and so on. Quadrant analysis and use of the two Boston Matrix product portfolio strategy analysis, Analysis of enterprise product portfolio strategy. In a detailed analysis of the situation, summed up the problems existing enterprises. Then related countermeasures and suggestions that the prices of organic products and enterprises from the combination of the loss product portfolio expand the product portfolio in these three areas make some adjustments so that the product mix has become more rational, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing profits. Key words : product portfolio relative market share sales growth