
1. 这次问题是我们没有在塑料袋里面没有放这个干燥剂吗?
2. 这个问题我们我们已经收到,非常感谢你们的反馈,下周开始我们将在所有塑料袋里面增加干燥剂。


    Is the problem of this time that we didn't put the desiccant in the plastic bag?



    This problem has been received by us, thanks a lot for your feedback, we will put the desiccant in all the plastic bags from next week on.




第1个回答  2015-03-06

    we didn't put decicant in the poly bag this time; (为什么要反问啊,你应该知道你们有没有放干燥剂的啊)

    Well noted the current issue and thank you very much for your kind feedback. We will add decicant each poly bag as required from next week.




I am not quite sure what you mean about the issue. Do you mean we didn't add decicant in the poly bag? if yes, we will add decicant each poly bag from next week. (其实不应该是下周开始,应该是现有的未出的大货都会加)

第2个回答  2015-03-06
1 is the problem that we do not put the desiccant in plastic bags?
2This problem we we have received, thank you very much for your feedback. Starting next week, we will increase the desiccant in all plastic bags





1 is the problem that we do not put the desiccant in plastic bags?
2This problem we we have received, thank you very much for your feedback. Starting next week, we will increase the desiccant in all plastic bags

第3个回答  2015-03-06
1,Is this the issue that we do not put the desiccant into the plastic bag?
2,The issue that we have received and thanks for your feedback, we will add the desiccant in all plastic bag from next week.
第4个回答  2015-03-06
1. Does the problem lies in that the dessicant is not put into the plastic bag?
2. Your question has been well recieved. thanks for your feedback and the dessicant will be added into every and each plastic bag from next week on.

看到楼下一顺溜we we we...我实在忍不住说一句,这种问题主语不用出现,你的客户就已经知道谁是主语,老外习惯用被动,不喜欢翻译腔。非要一直强调是我们啊我们,我们没有把干燥剂放进去啊,反倒让人觉得不舒服。用被动语态,更加合适,客观说问题,提到要如何去改正时语气更为坚定。单纯作为一名即将考专八,英语翻译专业的学生个人斟酌和观点。