
原文:大江自三峡来,所遇无非石者,势常结约不舒。至西陵以下,岸多沙泥,当之辄靡,水始得遂其剽悍之性。如此者凡数百里,皆不敢与之争,而至此忽与石遇。水汹涌而下,注射拳石,石崿崿力抵其锋,而水与石始若相持而战。以水战石,则汗汗田田,滹滹干干 .劈之为林,蚀之为窍,锐之为剑戟,转之为虎儿,石若不能无少让者。而以石战水,壁立雄峙,怒狞健蛰“,随其洗磨。簸荡之来“,而浪返涛回,触而徐迈“,如负如背

注释:1.结约:盘曲 2.崿崿:山崖高峻的样子 3.汗汗田田:水广大无际的样子 4:滹滹干干:水流迅疾的样子 5.怒狞健蛰:凶猛刚健


第1个回答  2007-06-21
Original text:the big river comes from Yangtse gorges, meet nothing but stone, often knot certainly about not comfortable.Go to west 陵 the following, the shore is many sand mires, being of 辄靡 , water starts hence it agile and fierce.Such any several hundred inside, all dare not with it contend for, but go to this meets with stone suddenly.Water is dashing and next, injecting a boxing stone, the stone 崿崿 dint arrives its 锋 , but water and stone start if hold but fight mutually.With the naval battle stone, then the sweat sweat farmland farmland, the 滹滹 stem does.Split it as wood, eclipse is 窍 , 锐 it for sword 戟 , change it into the tiger son, if the stone can't have no little let.But fight water by stone, the wall signs male 峙 , the 怒狞健蛰 ", wash to whet therewith.Roll it", but the wave return a big wave back, touch but Xu exceed", such as negative if carry on the back

Annotation:1.Knot invite:winding 2.崿崿 :The appearance of high 峻 in the mountain precipice 3.The sweat sweat farmland farmland:water large and boundless appearance 4:the 滹滹 do stem: the appearance of the water current fast disease 5.The 怒狞健蛰 :fierce just 健
第2个回答  2020-03-07