
Traceability to, and recovery of NGSP values has become a necessity in monitoring diabetic compliance in order to reduce inter-instrument and inter-laboratory variation. Therefore, 20 samples with values assigned by an NGSP SRL were analyzed on the I800 utilizing the WB A1C-2 assay with both capped and open tubes. The twenty samples included five with haemoglobinopathies, of which three were Hb AS and two were Hb AC phenotypes. The fifteen Hb AA samples had NGSP values derived by Tosoh HPLC at the SRL, and ranged in concentration from 5.7 HbA1c % to 12.1 HbA1c %. The five variants had NGSP values derived by Primus at the same SRL, as recovery using boronate affinity has been shown previously to be uninfluenced by haemoglobin variants [7]. These samples ranged in concentration from 5.8 HbA1c % to 11.9 HbA1c %. The College of American Pathologists (CAP) has in the past utilized a peer group grading system for HbA1c. With the first survey of 2007, participating laboratories will be required to recover the assigned NGSP target value for each sample within a range limit of ± 15%. CAP proficiency testing specimens have target values determined based on the mean recoveries from four NGSP SRLs. The mean % difference (both closed and open tube) from the NGSP target values for samples used in this study was 3% (mean absolute bias 0.3 HbA1c %). No individual sample exceeded a 7% difference from the NGSP target value. Fig. 4a (open tube) and Fig. 4b (closed tube) show Deming regression analyses compared to NGSP values (x): I800 WB A1C-2 (y) = 1.011 (0.967 to 1.055) × − 0.32 (− 0.67 to 0.02) (SEE = 0.18), mean bias to NGSP = 0.3 HbA1c %; I800CTS WB A1C-2 (y) = 1.023 (0.985 to 1.060) − 0.39 (− 0.68 to − 0.10) (SEE 0.15), mean bias to NGSP = 0.3 HbA1c %.

追溯和恢复NGSP价值,成为一种必然监测糖尿病合规以减少inter-instrument和实验室内部变化。因此,20和样品的赋值分析了NGSP SRL的I800利用世界银行A1C-2化验和上限和开放管。20个示例haemoglobinopathies 5名,其中三人被乙肝,两个人都是乙肝交流表型。工厂的十五Hb AA NGSP价值Tosoh高效液相色谱法导出的浓度,和远程SRL)从5.7血红蛋白a %至12.1血红蛋白a %。NGSP值五基因导出了在同一SRL焕然一新的boronate亲和力,恢复使用以前已被证明是不受血红蛋白变体[7]。这些样品浓度范围从5.8血红蛋白a 11.9%¥%。学院CAP)的美国病理学家协会在过去使用同辈人的团体对血红蛋白a等级制度。2007年与第一次调查,参与的实验室将需要指定的NGSP恢复目标价值为每个样本的限制范围内±15%。帽能力试验标本使目标价值的平均回收率基础上,确定从四个NGSP SRLs。平均%差异(两个都闭了开放的管)目标NGSP值使用该研究中的样品的平均绝对3%(%)0.3血红蛋白a偏见。任何个人样品超过7%的区别NGSP目标价值。图4a(打开管)和图4b(关闭管)相比,回归分析显示戴明NGSP值(x):I800 WB A1C-2(y)= 1.011(0.967×−),1.055 0.32(−0.67至0.02)(见= 0.18),意味着“偏置NGSP = 0.3血红蛋白I800CTS WB A1C-2 %;(y)=一点零二三(0.985到1.060−0.39(0.68−),每股−)(见0.15),意味着“偏置NGSP = 0.3血红蛋白a %。