

Part-time of sad �
The part-time is very hard of, want to be at the premise that do not hold up the study to descend to be engaged in part-time, absoluteness not is a relaxed matter.Student part-time a work for being engaged in, not a few work strengths that have is very, including physical strength and intelligences.For example, do the family training, work well in advance to prepare to work well, still cope with some patriarchal exacting engrave the request with the student of unqualified match the etc., do the family training superficially only have two a time for, in reality usually needing beyond the reach of quite a few times prepare.�
Part-time, the most difficult matter is to takes place with education the clash.Because the part-time depletion toward physical strength energy is bigger, some students usually throws in a nice bit of time again, but 侃 this did not set upside down, usually having a class the doze, in poor fettle.Still the classmate that have even play truant to do part-time, such way of doing for study to speak to is very disadvantageous, even will affect the education seriously.�
Part-time, have it beneficial a, it help many university students solved the economy the difficulty, increases the ego exist the ability;But at the same time, disadvantageous an is too very obvious, for example use person's unit too the 苛 engraves, making part-time industry the student pay hard with the income not direct proportion, some even is a " cheap labor".And part-time also can't neglect to the influence of normal educations in studentses.�
To sum it up, the university student does the part-time recognizing the pure ego, regular attitude, peg out the gains or losses, choose well but for it.�