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信息安全技术本身包括的范围很大。大到国家军事政治等机密安全,小到如防范商业企业机密泄露、防范青少年对不良信息的浏览、个人信息的泄露等。网络环境下的信息安全体系是保证信息安全的关键,包括计算机安全操作系统、各种安全协议、安全机制(数字签名、信息认证、数据加密等),直至安全系统,其中任何一个安全漏洞便可以威胁全局安全。信息安全服务至少应该包括支持信息网络安全服务的基本理论,以及基于新一代信息网络体系结构的网络安全服务体系结构。信息安全是指信息网络的硬件、软件及其系统中的数据受到保护,不受偶然的或者恶意的原因而遭到破坏、更改、泄露,系统连续可靠正常地运行,信息服务不中断。   信息安全是一门涉及计算机科学、网络技术、通信技术、密码技术、信息安全技术、应用数学、数论、信息论等多种学科。



信息安全技术本身包括的范围很大。大到国家军事政治等机密安全,小到如防范商业企业机密泄露、防范青少年对不良信息的浏览、个人信息的泄露等。网络环境下的信息安全体系是保证信息安全的关键,包括计算机安全操作系统、各种安全协议、安全机制(数字签名、信息认证、数据加密等),直至安全系统,其中任何一个安全漏洞便可以威胁全局安全。信息安全服务至少应该包括支持信息网络安全服务的基本理论,以及基于新一代信息网络体系结构的网络安全服务体系结构。信息安全是指信息网络的硬件、软件及其系统中的数据受到保护,不受偶然的或者恶意的原因而遭到破坏、更改、泄露,系统连续可靠正常地运行,信息服务不中断。   信息安全是一门涉及计算机科学、网络技术、通信技术、密码技术、信息安全技术、应用数学、数论、信息论等多种学科。

Information security technology itself includes a wide area. Big to the national military political etc, small as confidential security guard commercial enterprise disclosure of confidential, preventing young people on bad information browsing, personal information disclosure, etc. Under the network environment of information security system is the key to guarantee information security, including computer security operation system, various security agreement, security mechanism (digital signatures, information authentication, data encryption, etc), until security systems, including any a security hole can global security threats. Information security services at least should include support information network security services based on the basic theory, as well as new generation information network system structure of network security service system structure. Information security is defined as the information network hardware, software and its system of data protection, do not suffer accidental or malicious reasons and destroyed, modify, leak, the system a continuous and reliable in normal operation, information services do not interrupt. Information security is an involved in computer science, network technology and communication technology, password technology, information security technology, applied mathematics and number theory, information and so on many kinds of subjects.
第1个回答  2011-05-29
Information security technology itself includes a large range. Large military and political and other sensitive national security, small commercial enterprises, such as to prevent confidential leaks to prevent young people negative information browsing, disclosure of such personal information. Network environment of information security system is critical to ensure information security, including computer security, operating system, a variety of security protocols, security mechanisms (digital signatures, message authentication, data encryption, etc.), until the security system, which can be any of a security vulnerability threat to global security. Information security services should at least support the information network security services, including basic theory, and network architecture based on new generation of information network security service architecture. Information security is information network hardware, software and data in the system are protected from accidental or malicious destruction of reasons, change, disclosure, continuous and reliable system to run properly, the information services are not interrupted. Information security is one involving computer science, network technology, communication technology, cryptography, information security technology, applied mathematics, number theory, information theory and other disciplines.
第2个回答  2011-05-29
Information security technology itself includes a wide area. Big to the national military political etc, small as confidential security guard commercial enterprise disclosure of confidential, preventing young people on bad information browsing, personal information disclosure, etc. Under the network environment of information security system is the key to guarantee information security, including computer security operation system, various security agreement, security mechanism (digital signatures, information authentication, data encryption, etc), until security systems, including any a security hole can global security threats. Information security services at least should include support information network security services based on the basic theory, as well as new generation information network system structure of network security service system structure. Information security is defined as the information network hardware, software and its system of data protection, do not suffer accidental or malicious reasons and destroyed, modify, leak, the system a continuous and reliable in normal operation, information services do not interrupt. Information security is an involved in computer science, network technology and communication technology, password technology, information security technology, applied mathematics and number theory, information and so on many kinds of subjects.本回答被提问者采纳