

摘 要:随着市场经济的进一步发展,企业的竞争越来越来激烈,职业化的经理人则是商品经济高度发展的产物。职业经理人对提升企业核心竞争力起到决定作用,从而使研究其激励问题成为现代公司治理中的关键问题。

Analysis of the modern enterprise professional managers of the incentive mechanism

Abstract: With the further development of market economy, enterprises to more intense competition, professional manager, commodity economy is highly developed product. Professional managers to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises play a decisive role so that its incentives on the issue of modern corporate governance in key issue.
In China, professional managers market yet to be developed, the stock market efficiency to be improved, the Government's policy and regulations to be perfect, there are shortcomings in corporate governance structure, the Board inadequate supervision of strength, managers pay administration is not in place, professional managers evaluation mechanisms unscientific , The evaluation system is not perfect, the enterprise's salary structure not perfect, and so on are all professional managers of the incentive mechanisms exist.
This article from domestic and international advanced experience, the use of logic and game analysis, combining theory of incentives, such as principal-agent theory, explore various aspects and problems of the corresponding countermeasures.
Key words: professional managers; incentive mechanism; theory