
But I have a hunch there's further explanation of our obsession with exercise. I suspect that what motivates us even more than a fear of death is a fear of dearth .our era is the first to anticipate the eventual depletion of all natural resources. We see wilderness shrinking; rivers losing their capacity to sustain life; the air, even the stratosphere, being loaded with potentially deadly junk. We see the irreplaceable being squandered, and in the depths of our consciousness we are fearful that we creating an uninhabitable world. We feel more or less helpless and yet, at the same time, desirous to protect what resources we can. We recycle soda bottles and restore old buildings and protect our nearest natural resource--our physical health--in the almost superstitious hope that such small gestures will help save an earth that we are blighting. Jogging becomes a sort of penance for our sins of gluttony, greed, and waste. Like a hairshirt or a bed of nails, the more one hates it, the more virtuous it makes one feel.


第1个回答  2006-12-13
但是我预感这种偏执的运动有更深的理由在里面。我怀疑我们不畏死亡的恐惧由正是由于我们对死亡的恐惧。人类是第一个不停消耗自然资源的种族。我们可以见到野生动物的缩减,河流被污染(自然生命之源也没了)大气,甚至同温层(在对流层和中间层之间)都充斥着隐藏的致命垃圾。我们可以见到不可替代的资源被浪费,而且在我们的意识深处也对我们自己所造成的荒凉而恐惧。 但我们或多或少会觉得无助,与此同时,保护环境的想法就出现了。我们回收空饮料瓶,保养旧房屋和保护我们最近的自然资源——自己的身体。近乎迷信的相信像这点行动能够帮助拯救正在枯萎的地球。跑步就成为了对于自己爆饮爆食,贪婪,浪费这些罪过的赎罪。就像刚毛衬衣(就是衣服上缝有硬的钢毛或硬的动物毛发)和针床(苦行者修炼用的),越多的人讨厌这东西,苦行者就越觉得自己很崇高。