

I will travel to Xi'an, Xi'an this to two purposes: one is to see my teachers have a mentor, and a look at is the Mayday concert. 不知道你有没有听过五月天这个团体,他们承载了我很多青春记忆。 Do not know if you have not heard Mayday this group, they carry a lot of my memories of youth. 我此次旅程需要用整整五天,要一个星期之后才能给你再写邮件了。 I need the full five-day trip to a week after the order for you to write messages. 我会在下次的邮件中跟你分享去西安的感觉和见闻。 I will be in the next message to Xi'an to share with you the feeling and knowledge. 下学期如果有机会的话我还想去越南,到时候就有好多事想跟你请教了。 Next semester, if given the chance, then I want to go to Vietnam, to have a lot of things want to tell you when consulted. 最近我们这个城市暴雨肆虐,希望你一切安好! Recently our city storm raging, I hope you all well!
第1个回答  2010-06-18
I will go to xi 'an travel, this go to xi 'an two purposes: one is to see my teacher once tutor, and still another is to see a mayday concert. Don't know if you have heard of this group, and they may carry me many youth memory. I need to use the whole journey to a week after five days, can give you to write E-mail. Next time I can share with you in the mail to xian and knowledge. Next, if I had the chance I still want to go to Vietnam, there are a lot of things you want to ask. We recently rains this city, hope you all well!