

In 1906, was born on November 30 in Pennsylvania joint town. His father was elected representatives. He will show youth talent, 11 of writing and murder trial courts and writing of news, and then in the local newspaper columnist was done in boxing. 1925 into his Harvey buddhist. In his novels and poetry is published in the journal of literary school, then also became a magazine editor. In 1928, buddhist after graduation from xavi theological Sorbonne he went to Paris. But most of the time he is studying for the Buddha people magazine Harvey writing novels, this series of works as his first night "in 1932, he married an English woman married wives for both in Britain. He became very British, 追问: 可以翻译完吗 回答: so many readers to think he is British writer. In 1933, he has published Gideon, "dr. Phil first series of witch Angle. The creation of a pseudonym carter DiKeSen the abode of murder in Prague, Henry Melville Utah debut. Then he wrote phil series and alternating series, become the most Herman Melville's representative works. Age due to poor health, 1977 February 27 for lung cancer death. He is the golden age of writers of fair competition. He fully using the fair, rational clues, a novel finally took the logic never doubt technique road readers, the feasibility of his hands because each practice, if have such doubt, due to their own brains too stupid. 不好意思哈,O(∩_∩)O~ 希望对你有帮助...... 追问: 再加分能再帮忙翻译一点吗 回答: 已经翻译完了呀~ 你是说再翻译其他的么?当然可以咯~ 追问: 三口棺材的奇特传说:死人能从棺材里爬出来,并且身子能像稻草一样轻;密室的极其不可能:完全封闭的密室,有四只眼睛严密的监视着房间;疑点的不可思议:葛里莫教授临死说了一堆话:“翱翔、浴室、盐和葡萄酒、不是自杀、他没用绳索、屋顶、雪、光线太亮、有枪、狐狸、不要责怪可怜的。”,最后在医院里又说“老天爷知道他是如何离开那里的,上一刻他还在那里,下一刻他人就不在了。”(事后证明,葛里莫教授临死说的全是真话,凶手的确是“上一刻他还在那里,下一刻他人就不在了”),可是却无法理解,十五分钟后最大的嫌疑人在两端有人的空旷街道中央的雪地上被枪杀,大家都听见凶手恐怖的话语:“第二颗子弹是赏给你的。”,但是凶手却蒸发了,雪地上只有死者的脚印,没有凶手的脚印。匪夷所思的当作保护工具的画着三口棺材的油画(葛里莫教授说能驱邪降魔),奇怪的会变色的衣服,等等。一个人走进房子,然后蒸发;一个人被枪杀于雪地,四周再无第该书运用的是约翰·狄克逊·卡尔最擅长的哥特式氛围,将不可能犯罪发挥到了极致。二个人的脚印——两个匪夷所思的事件,再配以兄弟恩怨、尸体复活、邪恶诅咒等灵异事件,令《三口棺材》成为了不可能犯罪小说的颠峰。 约翰-迪克森-卡尔的最棒的密室推理之一,名列霍克主持的十大密室排行榜的第五位。 吉姆·安士伟第一次去见未来的岳父胡弥。忐忑不安的小伙子接过胡弥递来的威士忌,没想到喝了一口就昏倒在地。醒来后,他发现胡弥已经倒地身亡,胸口插着一支箭,正是原来挂在墙上的一支,箭上只有安士伟的指纹……屋子的房门从里面紧锁,窗户也从里面闩好——于是在这不省人事的十五分钟,安士伟成了案件唯一的疑犯。 谜样的犯罪、严谨的法庭推理、令人拍案的真相!上锁的门、封死的房间,谜样的十五分钟内完成不可能的犯罪, 唯一的入口是那扇只有凶手才可见的犹大之窗 再加300我的极限了 回答: 提问人的追问 2010-09-17 22:30Question: who 2010-09-17 cross-examine 三口棺材的奇特传说:死人能从棺材里爬出来,并且身子能像稻草一样轻;Three coffins strange tales from the coffin, dead bodies and climb out, as light as straw,密室的极其不可能:完全封闭的密室,有四只眼睛严密的监视着房间;The chamber is impossible: completely closed chamber has four eyes surveillance of the room,疑点的不可思议:葛里莫教授临死说了一堆话:“翱翔、浴室、盐和葡萄酒、不是自杀、他没用绳索、屋顶、雪、光线太亮、有枪、狐狸、不要责怪可怜的。”The incredible: professor ge grimmauld a pile of death said: "flying, bathroom, salt and wine, not committing suicide, he's rope, roof, snow, the light is too light, have guns, fox, don't blame poor.",最后在医院里又说“老天爷知道他是如何离开那里的,上一刻他还在那里,下一刻他人就不在了。”In the hospital, and said, "god knows how he departed, the moment he is still there and others is gone."(事后证明,葛里莫教授临死说的全是真话,凶手的确是“上一刻他还在那里,下一刻他人就不在了”),可是却无法理解,十五分钟后最大的嫌疑人在两端有人的空旷街道中央的雪地上被枪杀,大家都听见凶手恐怖的话语:“第二颗子弹是赏给你的。”Koch, proved (professor says the death in mo is the truth, and the murderer is "the moment he was still there, not the next moment others"), but cannot understand, fifteen minutes after the suspect's in the empty streets at someone was shot on the snow, everyone heard the murderer terrorist words: "the second bullet is to you.",但是凶手却蒸发了,雪地上只有死者的脚印,没有凶手的脚印。But the murderer has evaporated, the snow, not only the footprints of the murderer footprints.匪夷所思的当作保护工具的画着三口棺材的油画(葛里莫教授说能驱邪降魔),奇怪的会变色的衣服,等等。As the tool of protection with three coffins painting (graham said professor in mo can exorcism on), strange will change clothes, etc.一个人走进房子,然后蒸发;A man walks into a house, and evaporation,一个人被枪杀于雪地,四周再无第该书运用的是约翰·狄克逊·卡尔最擅长的哥特式氛围,将不可能犯罪发挥到了极致。A man was killed in the first round, no snow book is the use of John Dixon Karl most gothic atmosphere, it will not be possible criminal developed acme.二个人的脚印——两个匪夷所思的事件,再配以兄弟恩怨、尸体复活、邪恶诅咒等灵异事件,令《三口棺材》成为了不可能犯罪小说的颠峰。Two footprints - two of events, match again with brother), body, evil curse, make such disasters are three coffins "became impossible of crime fiction. 约翰-迪克森-卡尔的最棒的密室推理之一,名列霍克主持的十大密室排行榜的第五位。John - Dixon - Karl chamber is one of the best, hawk reasoning hosted the fifth chamber top rankings. 吉姆·安士伟第一次去见未来的岳父胡弥。Jim AnShiWei first to see the future father-in-law HuMi.忐忑不安的小伙子接过胡弥递来的威士忌,没想到喝了一口就昏倒在地。The boy took HuMi uneasy to pass of whisky, unexpectedly sip is faint in the land.醒来后,他发现胡弥已经倒地身亡,胸口插着一支箭,正是原来挂在墙上的一支,箭上只有安士伟的指纹……After wake up, he found HuMi has died down, chest, the arrow is hanged on the wall was a AnShiWei arrows, only the fingerprint...屋子的房门从里面紧锁,窗户也从里面闩好——于是在这不省人事的十五分钟,安士伟成了案件唯一的疑犯。The room door lock, also from the inside out from inside the window - and so on the bars of unconscious fifteen minutes, AnShiWei became the only suspect cases. 谜样的犯罪、严谨的法庭推理、令人拍案的真相!Dios crime, rigorous court reasoning, was simply the truth!上锁的门、封死的房间,谜样的十五分钟内完成不可能的犯罪, 唯一的入口是那扇只有凶手才可见的犹大之窗Locked doors, seal, dios room 15 minutes of the crime, could not complete the entrance is that only the murderer of window of judah 追问: 太感动了,谢谢,英语演讲终于搞定了 回答: (*^__^*) 嘻嘻,文笔还不错哦~ 望采纳......