
本论文以税收风险为题,概述税收风险的涵义,分析国家税收风险的形成原因,建立税收风险的评估体系与预警机制,评析我国税收风险的成因,并提出防范与控制税收风险的对策,力图对我国税收风险问题进行较为系统的研究。 本文首先对税收风险的涵义进行了论述,阐述了税收风险具有从属性、积累性和隐蔽性等特征。其次,本文分析了税收风险的成因。税收流失是税收风险形成的直接原因,与此同时税款使用效率低下、税收征管不力以及税收制度不健全也是税收风险的主要诱因。最后,本文提出对税收风险的防范对策:从税收制度入手,,优化税制,优化税收征管体系;从政府机构入手,优化财政支出结构,提高税款使用效率;从税收环境入手,通过市场经济体制改革、净化经济、社会环境等途径给国民创造一个符合社会公平、兼顾效率的税收经济环境等。

This paper Outlines in tax revenue, risk analysis, risk meaning of national tax risk formation, establish tax assessment of the risks of system and early warning mechanism, analyze the causes of Chinese tax risk, and puts forward the preventing and controlling measures tax risk in China's tax risk, the systematic research problems. Firstly, the meaning of tax risk is discussed, and expounds the risk dependency, taxation and concealment. Accumulating Secondly, this paper analyzes the causes of tax risk. Tax evasion is the direct cause of formation tax risk, meanwhile taxes low efficiency of tax collection and management, the poor and the tax system is not sound is the main inducement tax risk. Finally, this paper put forward the countermeasures of tax risk from the tax system, and optimize system, optimize the tax collection and management system, Starting from the government agencies, optimizing the structure of fiscal expenditure, improve the efficiency of tax, Starting from the tax environment, through the market economic system reform, economic, social, environmental purification, as a way to create social fairness, efficiency of tax economic environment, etc.
