
《爱的教育》的书名使我思考,在这纷纭的世界里,爱究竟是什么 带着这个思考,我与这个意大利小学生一起跋涉,去探寻一个未知的答案.一个四年级小学生在一个学年十个月中所记的日记,包含了同学之间的爱,姐弟之间的爱,子女与父母间的爱,师生之间的爱,对祖
这一个个小故事,不仅使书中的人物受到熏陶,同样让我这个外国读者也被其中所体现出的强烈的情感所震撼.而面对我们的教育,爱应该是教育力量的源泉,是教育成功的基础.夏丐尊先生在翻译《爱的教育》时说过这样一段话:"教育之没有情感,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样.没有水,就不成其池塘,没有爱就没有教育." 爱是一次没有尽头的旅行,一路上边走边看,就会很轻松,每天也会有因对新东西的感悟,学习而充实起来.于是,就想继续走下去,甚至投入热情,不在乎它将持续多久.这时候,这种情怀已升华为一种爱,一种对于生活的爱.

Education of love
I read the "love education", I got caught Enrico life, saw how they learn, live, how to love. Language while being moved, I found love with a pursuit for life!
"Love of education" in the title made me think, in this diverse world, love what is with this thought, I trek along with the Italian primary school students to explore an unknown answer. A fourth-grade pupils in one school year ten months in a diary that contains between the students love, love between siblings, between children and parents, love, love between teachers and students of Zu
Reading of the country's love of people, just like the embrace of love to grow.
"Love of education", I read in one breath, although I did not cry, but I think this is a cleansing the soul books. Attracted to me, does not seem how high its literary value, but rather that ordinary and reflected in the delicate brush strokes of near-perfect love of parents, teachers and students of the love between friends, Yi, Heung country love ... ... this novel is imbued with love, the kind emitted by implication deep, rich emotional strength, really great. "love education" to tell the noble innocent love of humanity is one of the most genuine education, and to make love in the distillation. While each person's life experiences different, but you will start from "love of education "and realized that those who have experienced similar emotions, but we have the attitude of behavior may be different. It makes me moving at the same time
Also led to some of my thoughts about love.
Love, like the air around us every day, because of its invisible may be that we are often overlooked, but our lives can not do without it, In fact, he has been integrated into the meaning of life. As parents, love, Enrico has together with their parents to read and write in this diary, but now many students still hanging from a diary of a small lock. the simplest things are most easily overlooked, as this broad and deep love of parent-child love, many people can not feel the to. love is great because it not only for the individual, but also the entire nation is proud of the dignity and emotion. "love education" a book describes a group of energetic, motivated request, such as the sun-like brilliant boy. Some of them poor family, some of whom are handicapped, of course, some are bathed in well-being of the. They have a very different character from the origin to the outside, but they have found they are nothing but a common thing - right his deep love for the motherland, Italy, sincere feelings of relatives and friends. This can not be ignored inside a month to listen to the teacher read to the group of young "spiritual speech.
All these little stories, not only the book's characters are influenced by the same let me, in which foreign readers have also been reflected in the strong emotions out of shock. In the face of our education, love of education should be a source of strength is educational success. Mr. Xia Gaizun in the translation of "love education", I said this to say: "Education is not emotion, no love, like a pond without water. there is no water on the fragmentation of their ponds, there is no love there is no education. "Love is a never-ending trip, walking along the way to see, it would be easy, because every day there will be something for the new insights, learning and enrich themselves. As a result, wanted to continue along this road, and even put into warm, do not care how long it will. At this time, this feeling has been elevated to a kind of love, a love for life.
第1个回答  2009-12-05
《爱的教育》的书名使我思考,在这纷纭的世界里,爱究竟是什么 带着这个思考,我与这个意大利小学生一起跋涉,去探寻一个未知的答案.一个四年级小学生在一个学年十个月中所记的日记,包含了同学之间的爱,姐弟之间的爱,子女与父母间的爱,师生之间的爱,对祖
这一个个小故事,不仅使书中的人物受到熏陶,同样让我这个外国读者也被其中所体现出的强烈的情感所震撼.而面对我们的教育,爱应该是教育力量的源泉,是教育成功的基础.夏丐尊先生在翻译《爱的教育》时说过这样一段话:"教育之没有情感,没有爱,如同池塘没有水一样.没有水,就不成其池塘,没有爱就没有教育." 爱是一次没有尽头的旅行,一路上边走边看,就会很轻松,每天也会有因对新东西的感悟,学习而充实起来.于是,就想继续走下去,甚至投入热情,不在乎它将持续多久.这时候,这种情怀已升华为一种爱,一种对于生活的爱.