
No matter wha you are saying ,i won't give up,you are the best in my heart,i love you sincerely but i will not force you to love me.
No matter what you are saying ,i won't give up,you are the best in my heart,i love you sincerely but i will not force you to love me.

No matter what you are saying, i won't give up. you are the best in my heart, i love you sincerely but i will not force you to love me.
国外逗号句号打的规矩是 what you are saying, I will 不是what you are saying,I xxx..他们标点符号后空格 这是规矩
还有断句你没断对 其他都没问题··
还有你那句you are the best in my heart 可以改成you are the apple in my eyes.
sincerely 可以是I truely love you
最后一句可以 it's ok if you do not love me and I wish you happy life
第1个回答  2009-11-28
No matter what you say, I won't give up.
You are the best in my heart.
I love you sincerely but I will not force you to love me.
第2个回答  2009-11-28