
随着年龄的增长,我慢慢长大了,懂事了,开始锁定人生第一个目标,考上美术学院,经过不懈努力,我终于走进了鲁迅美术学院的大门,专业是平面设计,一,我发现自己终于找到了真正属于自己的世界,平面设计中各种元素,符号,语言,形式都让我对这个领域充满好奇、激情兴奋不已,从大一到大四,这四年的学习中,我不放弃任何机会 ,认真地对待每一项课程,比如:素描、色彩、静物、人物、字体设计、标志设计、排版、国画、民间传统图案、书籍设计、VI设计、展示设计、插画、招贴设计、包装设计等等。从这些课程中我不断学习,充实自己,使自己的专业水平一步步不断提高,更重要的是这四年的专业学习,锻炼,我养成了观察事物的另一种习惯,学会从不同角度、方式来感受事物,视觉感受更全面。比如:色彩对比,统一、构成形式、黑白灰对比、又比如对事物的感受,清新的、热情的、冷漠的、轻松的、紧张的、淡雅的、浓重的、优美的、美好的、悲伤的。。。。。。

在大学期间所学专业是平面设计Graphic Design


Text: I of Pisces have loved illusion since childhood, my gaudy thing to color as a child, the figure is very interested, will associate in the brain out some other figures when seeing a figure, all full and full in the brain all day, full of beautiful pictures, this is that my happy young era is full of colors
With the years, I have grown up slowly, sensible, begin to lock the first goal in life, admitted to the academy of fine arts, through making great efforts, I came into the gate of Lu Xun academy of fine arts at last, the speciality is the planar design, first, I found I finds and really belongs to one's own world finally, various elements in planar design, the symbol, the language, the form makes me curious about this field, the passion is very excited, from big to big four, in these study of four years, I do not give up any chance ,Serious about every course, for example: The sketch, color, still life, personage, script design, design of sign, composing, traditional Chinese Painting, folk tradition design, book design, VI designs, shows design, artistic illustration, poster design, package design,etc.. I am studying constantly from these courses, substantiate oneself, make one's own professional level improve constantly step by step, the more important thing is the academic program in these four years, temper, I formed another habit of observing the things, the society from different angles, way experiences the things, it is more overallly to experience the vision. For example: Color contrast, unify, form the form, the black-and-white dust is compared with, such as the impression of things, the fresh one, hospitable, cold and detached, relaxed, tense, simple and elegant, dense, beautiful, beautiful, sad. . . . . .
Through these study of four years, I realize more, more fascinated in this trade, more confident, confident of, determine to design doing it finally, because I have already been designed to attract deeply. So I want, engaged in design work, to it thinks about to be to become one can bring people to be satisfied I, designer of the convenient and happy mood, let people enjoy my works.

The specialities studied are planar design Graphic during university Design
The university studies to realize deeply planar design is a vast knowledge through four years. It takes some talents to be a good graphic designer, need deep thinking and insistance constant exercise even more. Will want to know more after you a little understand a door of specialities, so I have a desire to design all the time.
Planar design is a foundation of other designs. Any design can not leave in the level, form, form the three basic subjects stereoscopically, and knowing, dress designing of lesson spinning the respect at home is to combine the design of the good shape of certain craft, technology. It is extension and development of the planar design frequently. So I feel a great interest in being devoted to the trade

While just hearing this question, think it was only a kind of chance that oneself was engaged in the design work. But find again that reads over these several years, through constant study and knowing, think oneself is the real coming to like and designing.
Through college entrance examination, I enter academy of fine arts of Shandong, begin to learn to design formally, begin to be interested in some fresh things gradually, the thing thinking some of them creative is very interesting, very attractive, to designing becoming interested like this.

" design life of coming from, design the intersection of service and life " we through whom mankind design meticulously in bit in the life ", beautify life by designing, go to create the aesthetic feeling visually. I want, let thing that oneself design can become, stay too, can add a color for life.
" Tian Gong Kai Wu, has great originality " can design abundant one's own knowledge to pass while having great originality, make the life full of individual characters, can make people have a free space to give play to one's own imagination, express the emotion of one's own heart, this is a reason why I want to be engaged in the design work too.
Learn to design, change my mode of thinking, improve the aesthetic level, make my life full of fun, so no matter how it will be for the future way, can hope oneself going down persistent, may be predestined I want to be engaged in the design work.
第1个回答  2009-08-04
Pisces, I love fantasy from an early age, when I am on the East and West Yan-color, graphics are very interested in, see a graph of the brain will associate a number of other graphics to the brain throughout the day are full, full of beautiful picture, this is my happy color is full of young age
With age, I slowly grown up, thoughtful, and began to lock the first goal in life, admitted to Academy of Fine Arts, through unremitting efforts, I finally walked into the door of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, majored in graphic design, a, I find myself finally found the real world of their own, the various elements of graphic design, symbols, language, form in this area let me full of curiosity, excited by passion, from freshman to senior, this four-year study I do not give up any opportunity to seriously each of the courses, such as: drawing, color, still life, characters, fonts, design, logo design, layout, painting, traditional patterns, books, design, VI design, display design, illustration, poster design, packaging design and so on. From these courses I have been to enrich themselves so that their own professional standards continue to improve step by step and, more importantly, the four years of professional study, training, observation, I developed a habit of the other things, learning from different perspectives way to feel things, the feelings of a more comprehensive vision. For example: color contrast, unity, constitutes a form of contrast black-and-white ash, but also of things such as feelings, fresh, warm, cold, light, tight, elegant, heavy, beautiful, beautiful, sad . . . . . .
Through the four years of study, I have more insights on the design, and more fascinated by this industry, more self-confidence, confidence, and in the end decided to do the design because I have been deeply attracted design. So I would like to engage in design work, I can think of is to bring people to become a satisfied and happy mood to facilitate the designer, so that people enjoy my work.

During the study at the university is a professional graphic design Graphic Design
Deep learning through the four-year graphic design experience is a broad science. Graphic designer needs to do a little talent, but also requires constant thinking and practice. When you have a professional understanding after that, they will want to know more, I feel there is always the desire to do a design.
Graphic Design is the basis of other design. Graphic design can not be separated from any structure, composition, three-dimensional composition of these three basic topics, and in the textile area of numeracy classes, costume design is the combination of a certain technology, technical design of a good shape. Is often an extension of graphic design and development.
So I am very interested in the industry is committed to

Just heard on this issue, feel that they engaged in design work is just a coincidence. But also found that reading the past few years, through continuous learning and understanding, I thought I was a true love to do a design.
Through the entrance, I entered the Shandong Academy of Fine Arts, the official beginning of the study design, gradually began to interest some fresh things, some of them feel that there is something particularly interesting and innovative, very attractive, so that interest on the design.
"Design from the life, service life design" in our lives are the little drops of human well-designed, with design to embellish life, to create a visual sense of beauty. I also want to design their own things to be left behind for a life of Tim Choi.
"Heavenly Creations, Unique" through the design can enrich their knowledge, to create life is full of personality, will enable people to have a free space to play to their imagination and express their inner feelings, that is what I want to engage in the design of one of the reasons for it.
Study design, changed my way of thinking, to raise the aesthetic level, so that my life is full of fun, so no matter what will happen after the way, hope that their dedication to the path, I may be destined to be engaged in the design work.