朋友们 帮我看看这几句英文什么意思好不啊?谢谢了 加分谢

1.scanning for know viruses.

2.This will affect more than one file,continute?

3.Diskette compression successfhlly completed.

4.Since a virus was ditected,rebooting is recommended to minimize the possibility of further infection.

5.Please contact your McAfee agent,your distribution source,or MeAfee Associates directly to obtain the latest version.

1 正在扫描已知病毒
2 这将影响多个文件,继续?
3 电脑磁盘压缩完成
4 检测到一个新病毒,推荐您重启动一把病毒进一步传染的可能性降到最低
5 直接地请与您的McAfee 代理、您的发行来源, 或MeAfee 同事联系获得最新的版本(估计序列号过期了)