



This is a time in Beijing on November 9,, China and Russia on Mars probe launch pictures.

After launch, not according to plan to Mars into the orbit, but to continue to stay close to earth orbit.

China and Russia are still in intensify save the two detectors.

If you fail this mission, the probe will fall somewhere in the world.

May at the end of the month will be landing, are now determine its fall site, may be in China

希望对你有帮助,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 有什么不懂可以继续提问
第1个回答  2011-11-12
This is a picture of Russia-China joint Mars probe, and it was taken on the 9th of November after the probe was lauched. However, the spacecraft failed to enter the intended orbit, and remained staying in near earth orbit.By now, The scientists are still working to fix the probe.
However, If it fails, The Mars probe will land in some place on the earth by the end of the month and the scientists are doing their best to work out where it will be. China perhaps.
建议在第一句不要加“北京时间”,因为只提供日期没有具体时间,所以“北京时间”显得有点多余。欢迎追问 希望能帮到你~
第2个回答  2011-11-12
This is a picture taken about the launch of the Mars exploration rovers of China and Russia on November 9 Beijing time. After the launch, the rovers did not enter the orbit to Mars as it was planned to, but remain in a near-Earth orbit. China and Russia are still working hard to the rescue of these two rovers.
If the mission fails, the rovers would fall somewhere on earth. Possibly They would fall down to earth at the end of this month, now efforts are taken to verify where they would land, maybe somewhere in China.
第3个回答  2011-11-12
This is a time in Beijing on November 9th, Chinese and Russian Mars probe launch pictures. After the launch, not according to plan to fly to Mars orbit, but remain in the near-Earth orbit. China and Russia still stepped in to rescue the two detector. If the mission failed, the detector will fall somewhere in the world. There may be at the end of the month will be available, is now determined the crash site, probably in China.
第4个回答  2011-11-12
This is a time in Beijing on November 9th, Chinese and Russian Mars probe launch pictures. After the launch, not according to plan to fly to Mars orbit, but remain in the near-Earth orbit. China and Russia still stepped in to rescue the two detector.

If the mission failed, the detector will fall somewhere in the world. There may be at the end of the month will be available, is now determined the crash site, probably in china.