
君子之德风 小人之德草 草之风 必偃

七年夏任将安 四境之内 集众而谋 复求拂士
循其本 起于盛世 吏民之谏已久矣
何期群小弄权 纵人风流 草莽当道 请献千金
间其中 谓之权贵 笑看风月而不已
于是 家国败坏 社稷可有累卵之危 生灵可有涂炭之虞 长此以往 俸官之道 唯金所不能走 庸民之欲 独贿所不能息
教的贤者诛而悲者胜 胜而不善 市朝之大忌 有肉食者知之乎
吾虽不入政室 闻父其身 略知大义 不敢不有发而有所为
官场之现行 如此而已 作文以祭之




君子之德风 小人之德草 草之风 必偃 七年夏任将安 四境之内 集众而谋 复求拂士 循其本 起于盛世 吏民之谏已久矣 何期群小弄权 纵人风流 草莽当道 请献千金 间其中 谓之权贵 笑看风月而不已 于是 家国败坏 社稷可有累卵之危 生灵可有涂炭之虞 长此以往 俸官之道 唯金所不能走 庸民之欲 独贿所不能息 教的贤者诛而悲者胜 胜而不善 市朝之大忌 有肉食者知之乎 吾虽不入政室 闻父其身 略知大义 不敢不有发而有所为 官场之现行 如此而已 作文以祭之 示来者
第1个回答  2007-10-13
risen in the peaceful times people's originally already a long time
Periods are small to play politics person's romantic wild jungle in power of 纵 to please to dedicate a daughter
The power which calls among them is expensive to smile to see romantic but not already
Hence house country's corrupting nation's canning have the 危 of tired egg to living to work properly can have in distressing plight its worry continuously for a long time hence the officer's way only the
第2个回答  2007-10-14
第3个回答  2007-10-14
The virtue of virtue wind villain of gentleman, hastily, wind, surely in weir summer of 7 years taking the charge of will install 4 boundaries, it is many to gather plan to beg again touch scholar to follow it book rises in heyday official people Jian for a long time what issue crowd little play power game Zong person romantic wilderness is in power please offer daughter Ied in which, Wei bigwig smile sees wind month , endlessly so domestic country deteriorated society cherry may have the danger of tired town p, the people may have to apply charcoal Yu if things continue this way the road of Dai Guan is golden only, place can not go to commonplace people want only bribe place can not cease the able person of religion to kill , sad person victory is bad city dynasty big fear has meat person to know although Hu Wu does not enter , Zheng room smelling its father summary to know principle to dare not do not have hair , is officialdom current write a composition just as this with hold a memorial ceremony for show person
【原文】 君子之德风小人之德草草之风必堰
第4个回答  2007-10-15
君子之德风 小人之德草 草之风 必偃 七年夏任将安 四境之内 集众而谋 复求拂士 循其本 起于盛世 吏民之谏已久矣 何期群小弄权 纵人风流 草莽当道 请献千金 间其中 谓之权贵 笑看风月而不已 于是 家国败坏 社稷可有累卵之危 生灵可有涂炭之虞 长此以往 俸官之道 唯金所不能走 庸民之欲 独贿所不能息 教的贤者诛而悲者胜 胜而不善 市朝之大忌 有肉食者知之乎 吾虽不入政室 闻父其身 略知大义 不敢不有发而有所为 官场之现行 如此而已 作文以祭之 示来者

Gentlemen's leaning with the wind hastily small wind will Thinopyrum

The summer of 2007 will be set within the Public Keys and seek rehabilitation for fu disabilities
Starting from this through its earth Slip has many years of remonstrations
He period longitudinal track power airflow bush blocking the way people please offer of gold
Among them is known as the bigwigs have not happily Fengyue
So home country and ruined life, the crisis may have championship have claws of misery liable if things continue this way, but the official pension payment can not go to yung people's income alone can not POBO
The sages taught to the detractors and grief-City-North Korea and mismanagement of a taboo between creed know
Wu Wen is not the father of their political Room consumers who do not have the interests and not have to
Officialdom is nothing more than the current composition of the festival
To show who
第5个回答  2007-10-18
The moral gentleman of the moral cur rush, the wind in the summer of 7 years taking the charge of will install 4 boundaries, it is begging for many people gathered again touched scholars program followed up on earth booking officials built in a long time, the crowd on the issue of what little people play power games Li Zong romantic wilderness is in power, of the daughter of improvised explosive devices, Wei bigwig smile, see Wind month, indefinitely, to the deterioration of the domestic, social Cherry may be dangerous tired town phosphorus, and people may have to apply for charcoal-yu, if things continue this is the only road Guanzhong, local can not go to the common people just want to buy-local hotshots can not stop religious killings, sad people and a victory of the big bad city Dynasty fear that the meat is widely known, although not Hu Jin Cheng Wen Room understanding of his father briefly, in principle, is not afraid to have hair, officialdom is currently writing a composition, is If this show with a memorial service people