
For adaptation of coding and modulation, our protocol can use an error count or iteration count, each of which can be obtained easily for each packet that is decoded correctly. A high rate CRC code is used to verify the correctness of the decoded packets. The error count for a packet that decodes correctly is the number of binary symbol errors at the output of the demodulator. One way to obtain the error count is to encode the information bits from a correctly decoded packet and compare them with the binary representations of the demodulator hard decisions for the packet. The intent is to count the number of binary symbol errors that would have occurred if there were no decoder in the receiver. The iteration count is the average number of decoder iterations per packet among the packets that decode correctly. The decoder can easily report the number of iterations that it made for a packet that has been decoded and verified for correctness. A demodulator statistic is used by our protocol for certain secondary modes of operation, such as the power-adjustment phase at the start of a session that will use a new frequency band. The protocol also uses a demodulator statistic to adapt the power if further adaptation of coding and modulation cannot offset an increase that has occurred in the propagation loss.

COGNITIVE radios are ideally suited for use in dynamic spectrum access networks in which there may be large variations in channel conditions from one session to the next. Such variations are common in networks that operate in a fixed frequency band, but the variations are more severe if the frequency band is changed for consecutive sessions. Each radio in a dynamic spectrum access network must be aware of its communication environment, and it must provide the information that other radios need in order to communicate with it efficiently. This information should besimple, easy to derive, and easy to send to neighboring radios. We focus on the information needed to adapt the error-control coding, modulation, and transmitter power for half-duplex packet transmissions.
A new session begins when one radio, referred to as the source, has a collection of packets to send to another radio, the destination. At the start of a new session, which may be in a different frequency band than the previous session, the protocol must adjust the transmitter power to provide reliable communications with minimal energy consumption and minimal interference to other radios. As the session progresses, the protocol must adjust the transmissions to compensate for changes in channel conditions. Our results demonstrate the extent to which the adaptive transmission protocol can rely only on code-rate adaptation to offset increased propagation loss. We show that when the cognitive radios must compensate for very large variations in the channel conditions, it is necessary to adapt the modulation also. Power increases are employed by our protocol only if the channel deteriorates so much during a session that changes in coding and modulation cannot provide enough compensation, which occurs very rarely.
The throughput performance of our protocol is compared with theoretical limits that are derived from considering ideal protocols and applying Shannon capacity results. We demonstrate that our protocol performs nearly as well as an ideal protocol that is given perfect channel-state information. The modulation formats that are available to the adaptive transmission system span a range from bandwidth-efficient modulation to power-efficient modulation, which permits the adaptation to compensate for large changes in propagation loss. In order to keep the complexity low, bit-interleaved coded modulation is employed to obtain each combination of coding and modulation that is used by the adaptive transmission protocol. In this approach, it is simple to change the code and modulation independently, because the error-control codes are not tailored to specific modulation formats.
第1个回答  2008-11-26
为编制程序和模块化的适应,我们的协议可能使用错误计数或叠代计数,其中每一可以为每个小包容易地得到恰当地被解码。 一个高速率CRC代码被用于核实被解码的小包的正确性。 恰当地解码的小包的错误计数是二进制标志错误的数量在解调器的产品。 一种方式获得错误计数将输入从一个恰当地被解码的小包的信息位和他们与解调器决策的二进制表示法比较小包的。 意向是计数将生成二进制标志错误的数量,如果没有在接收器的译码器。 叠代计数是译码器叠代的平均数量每个小包在恰当地解码的小包之中。 译码器可能容易地报告它为小包做为正确性被解码了并且被核实了叠代的数量。 我们的协议使用解调器统计为某些次要运作方式,例如力量调整阶段在将使用一个新的频带的会议的开始。 协议也使用一个解调器统计适应力量,如果编制程序和模块化的进一步适应不可能抵销在传播损失发生了的增量。

第2个回答  2008-11-25


第3个回答  2008-11-25
For adaptation of coding and modulation, our protocol can use an error count or iteration count, each of which can be obtained easily for each packet that is decoded correctly. A high rate CRC code is used to verify the correctness of the decoded packets. The error count for a packet that decodes correctly is the number of binary symbol errors at the output of the demodulator. One way to obtain the error count is to encode the information bits from a correctly decoded packet and compare them with the binary representations of the demodulator hard decisions for the packet. The intent is to count the number of binary symbol errors that would have occurred if there were no decoder in the receiver. The iteration count is the average number of decoder iterations per packet among the packets that decode correctly. The decoder can easily report the number of iterations that it made for a packet that has been decoded and verified for correctness. A demodulator statistic is used by our protocol for certain secondary modes of operation, such as the power-adjustment phase at the start of a session that will use a new frequency band. The protocol also uses a demodulator statistic to adapt the power if further adaptation of coding and modulation cannot offset an increase that has occurred in the propagation loss.
对于编码和调制的自适应来说,我们的协议可以采用一个错误计数或重复计数,它们中的每一种对于正确解码的每个包来说都可容易获得。对应于一个被正确解码的包的错误计数就是在解调器输出端处的二进制符号错误。得到错误计数的一种方法是将来自一个正确解码的包的信息位译码,并将它们与解调器对包的硬判决的二进制表示进行比对。 其意图是计数如果在接收器中没有解码器时可能已经发生的二进制符号错误的数目。重复计数是在正确解码的所有包中每一个包的解码器重复(迭代) 的平均数。解码器会容易地报告出它为一个业已解码并已验证了准确性的包所进行的重复(迭代)数。一种解调器统计被我们的协议所采用而用于一定的二次(辅助)工作模式,例如一个将采用新的频带的会话(作业阶段)开始时的功率调节方面。如果编码和调制的进一步自适应不能弥补传播损耗业已产生的增加,此协议还会采用一种解调器统计来适应此功率。本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2008-11-25
对于编码和调制的适应来说, 我们的草案能使用一个错误数或者迭代数,每个数都可以容易地从被正确地译解的信息包中获得。 一条高的比率科林斯无线电公司代码用来证实被译解的信息包的正确性。被正确地译解的信息包中的错误数据是在解调器输出时的二进制符号。 获得错误数据的一种方法是把被正确译解的信息包的讯息进行编码并用解调器的二进制进行比较。这样做的目的是如果在接收者里没有译码器,就去计算会发生的二进制的符号错误的数量。迭代数字是在译码器中每一个信息包被正确地译解出来的反覆出现的平均数。译码器能容易报告迭代数的数量,这样有利于那些已被正确的译解和检验的信息包。由於我们的协议,解调器统计被用于一些次要工作模式,例如在会议一开始时的功率调整阶段,将使用一根新频率带。如果更多的编码和调制的改写不能补偿已经在传播方面增加的损失,草案也使用解调器统计去改写功率 。