

The digital television signal, the first is the analog TV signal image signal source output in PCM code, namely the analog-to-digital conversion. Properties for the PCM parameter selection and analog signals (such as amplitude, broadband, cycle) is closely related to. And the PCM parameters directly determine the performance of digital video processing and transmission, as well as the receiving end of the image quality. Firstly, according to the task has carried on the analysis to the design requirements, the construction of a general block diagram of the system. By the technical indicators of decomposition to various parts of the diagram. The sampling frequency is divided into 5MHz and 10MHz two. The PCM code is 8. Then, introduces the design principle of each part of the. Broadband amplifier using broadband LM318 operational amplifier, and feedback and gain adjustment, so as to ensure the required bandwidth and output amplitude. A/D converter using at most sampling frequency is CA3318 chip 15MHz; synchronous separator adopts integrated chip LM1881. In order to reduce the complexity of the circuit. In order to DC restore video signal, also specially designed triode clamp, thus ensuring the video signal is sent to the A/D converter without losing the DC component. Finally, the PROTEL schematic design are given