
老师,非常感谢你对我所做的一切,我和我妈妈我的家人都非常的感谢你。在这半年的时间里我总是惹你生气,请允许我说声对不起,平时,有些话我害羞说不出口,我也不太会表达,习惯了去你家里学习,习惯了个叔叔开玩笑,习惯了跟同学们聊天不自觉的提你的名字,也习惯了朋友们跟我说‘Lincoln,你跟Ms。Lim关系真好’那种羡慕的眼神。我已经把你当成了我第二个妈妈。我讨厌别人在背后说你坏话,我真的感到很生气。今晚和你拥抱的时候我都快哭了。虽然我知道这是短暂的分离,但是我还是会非常想念你的。我也祝福你和叔叔身体健康。愿伟大的上帝保佑你。 永远尊敬你的Lincoln.

外国老师一般都叫Dear Ms.Lim,

I want to give you a big thank you for everything you have done for me. My mom, my whole family, and I are all so grateful of you. I'm so sorry that I had always made you angry In the past half year. Please take my apology. Sorry that I couldn't express these in person since I am a shy person. I am so used to studying in your place, used to joking around with Mr.Lim, used to talking about you unconciously with classmates (in a good way), and used to being called "Lincoln, you are so close with Ms. Lim" by my friends and the jealousy in their glares. I think I now see you as my second "mother". I hate it when people backs at you; it makes me mad. I almost cried when we hugged tonight. Althought I know it's only a temporary seperation, but I will still miss you so much. I wish you and Mr.Lim health and luck. May the mighty Lord bless you.

Always repect you, (这个一般外国人不说永远尊重所以我就直接翻译了, 你可以考虑换成更常用的 sincerely/ warmly/ yours/ cheers/ love/best regards)

纯原创, 参考:出国7年+ 经历, 望采纳追问

叔叔,谢谢你和老师为我所做的一切,这半年真的是麻烦你了,请允许我说声谢谢!习惯了经常和你看玩笑的时间。我感觉到很轻松,也很快乐!谢谢,祝愿你身体健康,工作顺利! 这个怎么说啊。追加100分


Dear Uncle( 或 Mr. __ <-- 他性 ),

Thank you for everything you and Ms. Lim have done for me. I owe you a lot. Please allow me to say thank you! I will miss chilling with you; it was so fun and relaxing! Once again, thank you so much. I wish you good health and successful carrer life!

sincerely/ warmly/ yours/ cheers/ love/best regards,

求采纳啊 亲 ^_^

第1个回答  2014-04-12
Dear teaher:
Thanks for all what you've done for me, my families, my mom and I are all grateful to you.
Through the past 6 months i've been made you angry all the time, so please take my apologies!
I'm always so shame that i can't express my emotion well.
I've been getting used to learn at your home, make jokes with uncle, mention your name when i am chatting with my friends, and the eyes of envy when my friends say 'Lincoln, you really have a good relationship with Mr.Lim'.
You are my second mother in my mind, and i'm extremely angry when you were speaking ill of.
i was almost crying when we hug this night.
though i know this is just a short seperation, i miss you very much
and wish you and uncle good health! may god bless you!
with best regards, Lincoln

第2个回答  2014-04-11
Teacher, thank you for everything you did for me, I and my mother and my family are very grateful to you. In this half of the time I always make you angry, please allow me to say sorry, usually, some words I am shy said does not export,I also will not express, used to study at your home, accustomed to an uncle who are you kidding, accustomed to chatwith my classmates about your name unconsciously, also used the friends said to me 'Lincoln, you and Ms. Lim 'that'sadmiration. I have you as my second mother. I hate it when people speak ill of you behind, I really feel very angry.When you hug tonight and I almost cried. Although I know that this is a temporary separation, but I still miss you very much. I also wish you good health and uncle. May the great God bless you. Always respect your Lincoln追问



