英语作文翻译,不要有道,谷歌等的翻译。求高手翻译!拜托各位了 3Q

泉州位于福建的东南部 ,是沿海的港口城市,气候宜人,年平均气温19.5摄氏度~21摄氏度。 泉州历史悠久,宋元时期是世界第一大港,有众多的名胜古迹,融汇东西方文化。泉州是福建省三大中心城市之一,经济发达,交通便利。泉州大约有七百六十万人,人们非常友好,那里有美味的食物,有趣的风俗和其他一些美好的东西

Quanzhou City which is a very beautiful coastal port city in the Southeast of Fujian Province. The weather here is very comfortable for living, the temperature is nearly between 19.5°C to 21°C. It has very long and famous history. It was known as the top biggest port since Song Empire in the ancient China and it also has lots of places of interest which integrated with the western cultures perfectly. Quanzhou is one of the three biggest main cities of Fujian Province which has great developed economies and convenient transportations. The population in Quanzhou is around 7,600,000, the people here is very kindly and friendly. there are many delicious foods here and also have many interesting cultures and other beautiful things.