
4、乙方应提供相关产品的技术资料,协助甲方完成 。
2、整套部件每批次订单数量在3000套以上(包含3000套),单件部品每批次订单数量在10000PCS以上(包含10000PCS),运输费用由甲方承担 。
3、整套部件每批次订单数量少于3000套,单件部品每批次订单数量少于10000PCS,运输费用另作协商 。
2、模具付款:开模前乙方预付 50 %模具费给甲方,模具余额在甲方交板给乙方确认之日起10天内,乙方一次性付清模具费。
1、 本合同签订后,具有法律效力。如单方面一方因故需变更、中断或废除本合同时,对方有权追究其相关的法律责任。
2、 在履行协议过程中,如产生争议,双方应友好协商解决。若通过友好协商未能达成协议,则提交当地仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。该委员会决定是终局的,对双方均有约束力。
1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执壹份。
2. 未经甲乙双方书面确认,任何一方不得自行变更或修改本合同。
3. 本合同自签订之日起生效。

1, the Party A Party B for the production of high-body Cup, are without cup-low, low body-Cup, face covered and five boxes of the products.
2, Party A Party B for the production of products for the current prices of raw materials: aluminum 26 yuan / KG, iron materials for 7,800 yuan / ton. If aluminum, iron wood Change exceeded the rate of five percent, the Party will make a price adjustment.
3, B in a formal purchase orders issued to the Party and the operation after confirmation both A and B, B as a result of the unilateral withdrawal of the orders requested by the Party for all damage caused by, B should be fully responsible for this act.
4, B-related products should provide technical information to help complete the Party.
Second, packaging
B did not specifically require in the circumstances, the current Party only by ordinary packaging pricing. If the B special packaging requirements of packaging products, thus the costs incurred by Party B should be paid to the Party.
Third, transport and costs
1, Party A Party B provided by the Guangzhou warehouse delivery address, freight commitment by the Party. If the B and need to change the place of delivery transportation costs resulting from B commitment.
2, the package of components in the volume of orders each batch of more than 3,000 (including 3,000 sets), a single batch parts per volume of orders in more than 10000 PCS (including 10000 PCS), Party A commitment by the transport costs.
3, each package of parts orders in batches of less than 3,000 sets of parts per batch single volume of orders less than 10000 PCS, another transport costs for consultations.
40, clearing way and deadline:
1, when the two sides signed the agreement, the two sides will this agreement as a basis for each order to Party A Party B are under orders from the Party A responsible person as qualified to confirm the order after the contract failed in orders from contract Bound by the terms of this Agreement.
2, Die payment: a former B-50 per cent of prepaid fees to the Party Die, die in the balance of Party A Party B to pay board to confirm the date within 10 days, B one-time fee paid die.
3, Party A Party B to order at the same time, the first Party to submit to the orders, 40 per cent of total advances. Similar currency to the yuan.
4, each of the balance of orders in B pass inspection from the date of payment within 10 days to the Party. Otherwise, this Party daily 5% of the contract price charged late fees.
5, the responsibility for breach of contract
After the entry into force of this contract, with legal responsibility, unilateral contract is unable to perform one of the responsible party, should bear all the cost.
6, arbitration:
1, after the signing of this contract, the force of law. If one reason to be unilaterally changed, suspended or repealed by this contract, the other party the right to pursue the relevant legal obligations.
2, in the process of carrying out the agreement, such as disputes, the two sides should be friendly consultation to resolve. If unable to reach an agreement through friendly consultations, the use of local arbitration committee, according to the arbitration proceedings will be interim regulations for arbitration. The Commission decision is final and binding on both parties.
3,未尽other matters, a separate annex.
7, additional provisions:
1. A duplicate of this contract, both A and B Gezhiyifen.
2. A and B both sides, without a written confirmation, either on its own can not change or modify the contract.
3. Since the signing of this contract on the date of entry into force.
第1个回答  2008-07-12
不是我说你,连分都不给 这么长的文章,而且很难的样子,现实生活中找笔译都要给钱的。。