
2. 作为公司唯一的一位非产品类专职培训师,基本包揽了几乎所有的非产品类内部培训课程,在公司高级管理人才培训班、总部管理骨干培训班、新员工培训班、分公司市场总监集中培训班、分公司财务总监集中培训班、分公司行政总监集中培训班等30多个培训班次中主讲过的《海信企业文化》、《TTT企业内部培训师培训技能训练》、《时间管理》、《有效沟通》、《巅峰销售团队打造》、《销售中客户心理分析与应对》、《如何成为一名优秀的部门主管》《职场礼仪与修养》、《阳光心态》、《如何看待工作》以及《职业生涯规划》等课程,学员平均满意度均在95%以上。
3. 同时,又担任公司的培训导师,培养了包括公司副总经理和总部所有部门第一总监在内的几十位由公司绝对骨干组成的内部培训师。个人所培养的内部培训师纷纷走上讲台并且均获得了90%以上的学员满意度,海信电器系统(含生产系统)90%的内部培训师和企业文化宣传员均接受过我主讲的《TTT企业内部培训师培训技能训练》且每次培训满意度都在95%以上。
4. 已手把手培养出41位公司总监级和副总经理级的高级内部培训师,完成海信电器营销系统培训体系从0起步的构建。

2003/08 – 2006/04 海信集团售后服务系统总部
Position: 培训主管、企业文化主管兼内刊主编
Report to: 总经理 Number of subordinates: 36
1. 作为培训主管负责服务系统培训体系的构建、内训师队伍建设和分公司培训管理。
2. 同时作为服务系统唯一的非技术专职培训师,负责总部以及所有分公司的企业文化培训、服务规范培训、TTT培训技能培训、沟通、团队、礼仪和部分管理培训等80%的非技术类培训的授课,并负责售后服务系统自办学校的所有非技术类培训和海信集团与青岛电大联合办学班的部分课程。
3. 作为企业文化主管兼内刊的主编,负责做好海信售后服务系统企业文化的建设和公司的内宣外宣,对公司外部的软文撰写,企业文化手册、服务规范手册等各中企业文化手册的编写,公司看板、走廊、VI以及其他跟企业文化相关内容的管理和实施。

2006/03 – 今 非盈利性组织兼职:山东省培训协会/青岛市慈善义工讲师团
1. 主要负责管理协会的认证推介部,认证推介部的主要职责是负责省内加盟的培训师的认证,只有通过本部门认证的培训师才能以山东省培训协会名义对外宣传,同时为获得认证的培训师提供更大舞台并对外推广。
2. 个人独创的培训课题《简约化学生式管理模式》成功获得山东省培训协会的认证。
3. 接受讲师团的任务进行义讲。

1. 2007年帮助青岛建设集团、青岛美赫尔贸易等多家公司完成《培训体系构建》的咨询案,成功帮助多家企业搭建起培训体系。
2. 2007年在由青岛市《青岛财经日报》等青岛市多家主要媒体联合举办的“隐型冠军评选”获“最具潜力培训师”。
3. 2007年7月被中国海洋大学、中央民族大学等多所“国家211工程”院校正式聘任为生涯规划客座导师。
4. 2007年10月份在《青岛早报》、《青岛新闻网》等青岛市多家媒体联合举办的“青岛市十大培训师”评选中,以网络得票第五名的成绩入围。


2. 作为公司唯一的一位非产品类专职培训师,基本包揽了几乎所有的非产品类内部培训课程,在公司高级管理人才培训班、总部管理骨干培训班、新员工培训班、分公司市场总监集中培训班、分公司财务总监集中培训班、分公司行政总监集中培训班等30多个培训班次中主讲过的《海信企业文化》、《TTT企业内部培训师培训技能训练》、《时间管理》、《有效沟通》、《巅峰销售团队打造》、《销售中客户心理分析与应对》、《如何成为一名优秀的部门主管》《职场礼仪与修养》、《阳光心态》、《如何看待工作》以及《职业生涯规划》等课程,学员平均满意度均在95%以上。
3. 同时,又担任公司的培训导师,培养了包括公司副总经理和总部所有部门第一总监在内的几十位由公司绝对骨干组成的内部培训师。个人所培养的内部培训师纷纷走上讲台并且均获得了90%以上的学员满意度,海信电器系统(含生产系统)90%的内部培训师和企业文化宣传员均接受过我主讲的《TTT企业内部培训师培训技能训练》且每次培训满意度都在95%以上。
4. 已手把手培养出41位公司总监级和副总经理级的高级内部培训师,完成海信电器营销系统培训体系从0起步的构建。

2003/08 – 2006/04 海信集团售后服务系统总部
Position: 培训主管、企业文化主管兼内刊主编
Report to: 总经理 Number of subordinates: 36
1. 作为培训主管负责服务系统培训体系的构建、内训师队伍建设和分公司培训管理。
2. 同时作为服务系统唯一的非技术专职培训师,负责总部以及所有分公司的企业文化培训、服务规范培训、TTT培训技能培训、沟通、团队、礼仪和部分管理培训等80%的非技术类培训的授课,并负责售后服务系统自办学校的所有非技术类培训和海信集团与青岛电大联合办学班的部分课程。
3. 作为企业文化主管兼内刊的主编,负责做好海信售后服务系统企业文化的建设和公司的内宣外宣,对公司外部的软文撰写,企业文化手册、服务规范手册等各中企业文化手册的编写,公司看板、走廊、VI以及其他跟企业文化相关内容的管理和实施。

2006/03 – 今 非盈利性组织兼职:山东省培训协会/青岛市慈善义工讲师团
1. 主要负责管理协会的认证推介部,认证推介部的主要职责是负责省内加盟的培训师的认证,只有通过本部门认证的培训师才能以山东省培训协会名义对外宣传,同时为获得认证的培训师提供更大舞台并对外推广。
2. 个人独创的培训课题《简约化学生式管理模式》成功获得山东省培训协会的认证。
3. 接受讲师团的任务进行义讲。

1. 2007年帮助青岛建设集团、青岛美赫尔贸易等多家公司完成《培训体系构建》的咨询案,成功帮助多家企业搭建起培训体系。
2. 2007年在由青岛市《青岛财经日报》等青岛市多家主要媒体联合举办的“隐型冠军评选”获“最具潜力培训师”。
3. 2007年7月被中国海洋大学、中央民族大学等多所“国家211工程”院校正式聘任为生涯规划客座导师。
4. 2007年10月份在《青岛早报》、《青岛新闻网》等青岛市多家媒体联合举办的“青岛市十大培训师”评选中,以网络得票第五名的成绩入围。


2. As the only company of a non-product division full-time training, basic swept almost all the non-product-house training courses in senior management personnel training courses, headquarters management backbone of training courses, new staff training courses, sub - Company marketing director concentrated training courses, branch chief financial officer on training courses, Branch Chief Executive Officer on more than 30 training courses and other training courses, conducted in a "Hisense corporate culture", "TTT internal training division skills training Training, "" Time Management "and" effective communication "and" peak sales team building "and" psychological analysis of customer sales and should, "" How to become an outstanding director "and" workplace etiquette and self-cultivation "and" Sunshine Mentality, "and" how to view the work "and" career planning "and other courses, the trainees are an average of satisfaction in more than 95 percent.
3. At the same time, as the company's training instructors, training, including the deputy general manager of the company headquarters and all departments, the first director of the dozens of absolute backbone of the company's internal training division. Individual training in-house training division one after another to the podium and have received more than 90 per cent of the trainees satisfaction, Hisense Electric System (including production systems) 90% of the internal training division and the corporate culture propagandists were received by me " TTT internal training division skills training "and each training satisfaction in more than 95 percent.
4. Hands have developed a 41-company director and deputy general manager of the High-level internal training division, completed Hisense Electric marketing systems and training system from the start of construction of 0.

2003/08 - 2006/04 Haixin Group after-sales service system headquarters
Position: in charge of training, enterprise culture, to be editor-in-chief in charge of
Report to: General Manager Number of subordinates: 36
1. As a training system for services and training system is responsible for the construction of In House division team building and management training branch.
2. At the same time as the only non-service full-time technical training division, responsible for the headquarters and all branches of the corporate culture of training, standardized training services, TTT training skills training, communication, teamwork, etiquette and some management training, and other 80% of the non - Technology training classes and after-sales service in charge of running the school system of all non-technology training and Qingdao Hisense Group and the joint TV University School class some of the courses.
3. As a competent and within the corporate culture to be editor-in-chief, is responsible for doing a good job Hisense after-sales service system building and the corporate culture within the company's declared foreign propaganda, the company's soft external written, the corporate culture manuals, service manuals, and other norms of The manual prepared by the corporate culture, company billboards, corridors, VI and other relevant content with the corporate culture of the management and implementation.

2006/03 - this part-time non-profit organizations: the Association of Shandong Province training / charity volunteer lecturer in Qingdao City Mission
Executive director, certification referral minister, Qingdao charitable volunteer lecturer at college lecturers
1. Primarily responsible for the management of the Association of the referral certification, certification to promote the Department's primary responsibility is responsible for the province joined the training division of the certification, only through the department certified trainers to be trained in Shandong Province on behalf of the Association of external publicity, as well as certified Training division to provide greater stage and external promotion.
2. Personal training original topic "Simple student-management model of" successful training in Shandong Province Association of certification.
3. Lecturers to accept the mandate of the Mission to justice stresses.

Main results:
1.2007 helped Qingdao Construction Group, Qingdao Hull trade companies complete "training system construction," the advisory case, the success of many enterprises to help erected and training system.
2.2007 from Qingdao City in the "Qingdao Financial Daily" Qingdao City jointly organized a number of major media's "invisible champion named" of the "greatest potential trainers."
3.2007 in July China Ocean University, Central University of Nationalities, and so the "national 211 Project," the official institutions for the appointment of career planning visiting instructors.
4 2007 in October in the "Qingdao Morning Post", "Qingdao News Network", and so many media in Qingdao City, jointly organized the "top 10 trainers in Qingdao City," named in the network to the results of votes fifth shortlisted.

"Learning-oriented enterprises"
"Learning organization"
"Operating from the heart started"
"Trainer training camps"
"The establishment of a comprehensive training system"
"Effective manager"
"Outstanding managers of impact"
"The leadership team five Guan"
"Non-financial manager of financial management"
"Planners career training"
第1个回答  2008-07-23
2. As the only company of a non-product division full-time training, basic swept almost all the non-product-house training courses in senior management personnel training courses, headquarters management backbone of training courses, new staff training courses, sub - Company marketing director concentrated training courses, branch chief financial officer on training courses, Branch Chief Executive Officer on more than 30 training courses and other training courses, conducted in a "Hisense corporate culture", "TTT internal training division skills training Training, "" Time Management "and" effective communication "and" peak sales team building "and" psychological analysis of customer sales and should, "" How to become an outstanding director "and" workplace etiquette and self-cultivation "and" Sunshine Mentality, "and" how to view the work "and" career planning "and other courses, the trainees are an average of satisfaction in more than 95 percent.
3. At the same time, as the company's training instructors, training, including the deputy general manager of the company headquarters and all departments, the first director of the dozens of absolute backbone of the company's internal training division. Individual training in-house training division one after another to the podium and have received more than 90 per cent of the trainees satisfaction, Hisense Electric System (including production systems) 90% of the internal training division and the corporate culture propagandists were received by me " TTT internal training division skills training "and each training satisfaction in more than 95 percent.
4. Hands have developed a 41-company director and deputy general manager of the High-level internal training division, completed Hisense Electric marketing systems and training system from the start of construction of 0.

2003/08 - 2006/04 Haixin Group after-sales service system headquarters
Position: in charge of training, enterprise culture, to be editor-in-chief in charge of
Report to: General Manager Number of subordinates: 36
1. As a training system for services and training system is responsible for the construction of In House division team building and management training branch.
2. At the same time as the only non-service full-time technical training division, responsible for the headquarters and all branches of the corporate culture of training, standardized training services, TTT training skills training, communication, teamwork, etiquette and some management training, and other 80% of the non - Technology training classes and after-sales service in charge of running the school system of all non-technology training and Qingdao Hisense Group and the joint sponsoring classes TVU some of the courses.
3. As a competent and within the corporate culture to be editor-in-chief, is responsible for doing a good job Hisense after-sales service system building and the corporate culture within the company's declared foreign propaganda, the company's soft external written, the corporate culture manuals, service manuals, and other norms of The manual prepared by the corporate culture, company billboards, corridors, VI and other relevant content with the corporate culture of the management and implementation.

2006/03 - this part-time non-profit organizations: the Association of Shandong Province training / charity volunteer lecturer in Qingdao City Mission
Executive director, certification referral minister, Qingdao charitable volunteer lecturer at college lecturers
1. Primarily responsible for the management of the Association of the referral certification, certification to promote the Department's primary responsibility is responsible for the province joined the training division of the certification, only through the department certified trainers to be trained in Shandong Province on behalf of the Association of external publicity, as well as certified Training division to provide greater stage and external promotion.
2. Personal training original topic "Simple student-management model of" successful training in Shandong Province Association of certification.
3. Lecturers to accept the mandate of the Mission to justice stresses.

Main results:
1.2007 helped Qingdao Construction Group, Qingdao Hull trade companies complete "training system construction," the advisory case, the success of many enterprises to help erected and training system.
2.2007 from Qingdao City in the "Qingdao Financial Daily" Qingdao City jointly organized a number of major media's "invisible champion named" of the "greatest potential trainers."
3.2007 in July China Ocean University, Central University of Nationalities, and so the "national 211 Project," the official institutions for the appointment of career planning visiting instructors.
4 2007 in October in the "Qingdao Morning Post", "Qingdao News Network", and so many media in Qingdao City, jointly organized the "top 10 trainers in Qingdao City," named in the network to the results of votes fifth shortlisted.

"Learning-oriented enterprises"
"Learning organization"
"Operating from the heart started"
"Trainer training camps"
"The establishment of a comprehensive training system"
"Effective manager"
"Outstanding managers of impact"
"The leadership team five Guan"
"Non-financial manager of financial management"
"Planners career training"
第2个回答  2008-07-23

2. As the only company of a non-product division full-time training, basic swept almost all the non-product-house training courses in senior management personnel training courses, headquarters management backbone of training courses, new staff training courses, sub - Company marketing director concentrated training courses, branch chief financial officer on training courses, Branch Chief Executive Officer on more than 30 training courses and other training courses, conducted in a "Hisense corporate culture", "TTT internal training division skills training Training, "" Time Management "and" effective communication "and" peak sales team building "and" psychological analysis of customer sales and should, "" How to become an outstanding director "and" workplace etiquette and self-cultivation "and" Sunshine Mentality, "and" how to view the work "and" career planning "and other courses, the trainees are an average of satisfaction in more than 95 percent.
3. At the same time, as the company's training instructors, training, including the deputy general manager of the company headquarters and all departments, the first director of the dozens of absolute backbone of the company's internal training division. Individual training in-house training division one after another to the podium and have received more than 90 per cent of the trainees satisfaction, Hisense Electric System (including production systems) 90% of the internal training division and the corporate culture propagandists were received by me " TTT internal training division skills training "and each training satisfaction in more than 95 percent.
4. Hands have developed a 41-company director and deputy general manager of the High-level internal training division, completed Hisense Electric marketing systems and training system from the start of construction of 0.

2003/08 - 2006/04 Haixin Group after-sales service system headquarters
Position: in charge of training, enterprise culture, to be editor-in-chief in charge of
Report to: General Manager Number of subordinates: 36
1. As a training system for services and training system is responsible for the construction of In House division team building and management training branch.
2. At the same time as the only non-service full-time technical training division, responsible for the headquarters and all branches of the corporate culture of training, standardized training services, TTT training skills training, communication, teamwork, etiquette and some management training, and other 80% of the non - Technology training classes and after-sales service in charge of running the school system of all non-technology training and Qingdao Hisense Group and the joint TV University School class some of the courses.
3. As a competent and within the corporate culture to be editor-in-chief, is responsible for doing a good job Hisense after-sales service system building and the corporate culture within the company's declared foreign propaganda, the company's soft external written, the corporate culture manuals, service manuals, and other norms of The manual prepared by the corporate culture, company billboards, corridors, VI and other relevant content with the corporate culture of the management and implementation.

2006/03 - this part-time non-profit organizations: the Association of Shandong Province training / charity volunteer lecturer in Qingdao City Mission
Executive director, certification referral minister, Qingdao charitable volunteer lecturer at college lecturers
1. Primarily responsible for the management of the Association of the referral certification, certification to promote the Department's primary responsibility is responsible for the province joined the training division of the certification, only through the department certified trainers to be trained in Shandong Province on behalf of the Association of external publicity, as well as certified Training division to provide greater stage and external promotion.
2. Personal training original topic "Simple student-management model of" successful training in Shandong Province Association of certification.
3. Lecturers to accept the mandate of the Mission to justice stresses.

Main results:
1.2007 helped Qingdao Construction Group, Qingdao Hull trade companies complete "training system construction," the advisory case, the success of many enterprises to help erected and training system.
2.2007 from Qingdao City in the "Qingdao Financial Daily" Qingdao City jointly organized a number of major media's "invisible champion named" of the "greatest potential trainers."
3.2007 in July China Ocean University, Central University of Nationalities, and so the "national 211 Project," the official institutions for the appointment of career planning visiting instructors.
4 2007 in October in the "Qingdao Morning Post", "Qingdao News Network", and so many media in Qingdao City, jointly organized the "top 10 trainers in Qingdao City," named in the network to the results of votes fifth shortlisted.

"Learning-oriented enterprises"
"Learning organization"
"Operating from the heart started"
"Trainer training camps"
"The establishment of a comprehensive training system"
"Effective manager"
"Outstanding managers of impact"
"The leadership team five Guan"
"Non-financial manager of financial management"
"Planners career training"本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-07-23

2. It is not a full-time trainer of product type as Company only first, it is not an products internal training course to basically take on almost all the, in senior managerial talent's training class of the company, the general headquarters manage the key training class, new employee's training class, director's centralized training class of market of branch company, Financial Controller's centralized training class of branch company, " Hisense's corporate culture " which the speaker crosses in order of classes that it is trained that branch company is administrative more than 30 such as director's centralized training class, " the trainer trains the skill to train inside TTT enterprises ", " time management ", " communicate effectively ", " sale group makes summit", " customer's psychoanalysis in selling is with replying ", " how to become an outstanding department executive " " job market etiquette and training ", " sunshine psychology ", " whether how not to think about it work " and " plan career ",etc. course, student's average satisfaction is above 95%.
3. At the same time, serve as the training tutor of the company again, have trained dozens of internal trainers composed of absolute backbones of the company including first directors of company's vice president and general headquarters, all doors. Internal trainers that individual trained went on the lecture platform one after another and obtained more than 90% students satisfaction, Hisense's electric apparatus system (including the production system) 90% internal trainer and corporate culture propagandist accept I speaker " whether TTT enterprise trainer train training of skill " And each training satisfaction is above 95%.
4. Teach-by-doing already train 41 grade and vice president senior internal trainer of magnitude, director of company, finish Hisense electric apparatus marketing system train system from 0 construction starting.
2003/08 -2006/04 The systematic general headquarters Position of the after-sale service of Hisense group: Train the executive, corporate culture executive and concurrently interior publication to edit Report to: General manager Number of subordinates: 36 1. As train executive responsible for service system train construction of system, train teacher building of contingent with branch company train, manage inside. 2. The only one is not the full-time trainer of the technology as the service system at the same time, train in corporate culture responsible for general headquarters and all branch companies, 80% of training skills training, communication, group, etiquette and some management to train in training of service regulation, TTT etc. are not the lessons of technology training, one part of courses of the class that it is not technology training and Hisense group and Qingdao TV university that responsible for all that the service system after sale manages the school by oneself to jointly run a school. 3. As corporate culture in charge of and concurrently interior publication editor-in-chief, responsible for, finish Hisense after sale service system construction and to declare, declare outside inside company of corporate culture, write by external soft document to company, corporate culture manual, service regulation manual,etc. every hit corporate culture manual write, management and implementation of company billboard, corridor, VI and relevant contents of corporate culture of other heels.

2006/03 -The non-commercial organization holds a part-time job today: Shandong trains the association / charitable managing directors of volunteer's teaching corps, minister of popularizing and introducing department of authentication of Qingdao, the charitable lecturers of volunteer's teaching corps of Qingdao are 1. Mainly responsible for managing the departments that popularizes and introduces authentication of the association, the main duty of the department that popularizes and introduces authentication is the authentication of the trainer who is responsible for joining inside the province, train association name international communication through this department trainer of authentication with Shandong only, offer the larger stage and popularize to the outside to the trainer who obtains authentication at the same time. 2. " growing type management mode of brief chemistry " of training subject of the personal original creation succeeds in obtaining authentication that Shandong trains the association. 3. The task of accepting teaching corps is carried on justice and said.

Main achievement: 1.Will help much companies such as construction group of Qingdao, American Hull trade of Qingdao to finish the consultation case of " train the system to construct " in 2007, succeed in helping many enterprises to put up and build up training system. 2.In obtain " has potentiality trainers by Qingdao city " Qingdao finance and economics daily ",etc. Qingdao city many of " the latent champion evaluates " whose main media holds most " 2007. 3.Engaged and planned the visiting tutor as the career by institute's correcting type of many " 211 projects in the country "s such as the Chinese marine university, Central University for Nationalities,etc. in July of 2007. 4.In " Qingdao morning newspaper ", " Qingdao news network " Qingdao city of the assessment many of " Qingdao city ten major trainer " that media hold in October in 2007, enter with the achievement that the network wins the fifth place votes. " studying type enterprises " " the studying type is organized " " deal in from the heart at the beginning " " trainer's training barracks " " setting-up which trains the system in an all-round way " " fruitful administrator " " outstanding administrator's behavioral influence " " 5 of group leader's are closed " " financial administration of non- financial manager " " the planning designer of the career is trained "
第4个回答  2008-07-23