急求一段 英文自我介绍。希望帮我翻译下 万分感谢~~急急急希望可以再帮我加上一些 要英文。。。

我来自中国 我的父亲是公司经理 母亲在经营一家饭店 我现在已经在韩国学习了一年9个月。 我的性格非常乐观 喜欢交朋友 喜欢游泳和打篮球 我最擅长做料理 我想留在韩国学习 以后想做有关料理方面的 职业

I come from China. My father is a manager of a company. My mother is running a restaurant. I've already studied in Korea for one year and nine months(21 months). I think I am very optimistic and I love making friends with others. I like swimming and playing basketball. Well, I'm skilled at(good at) cooking. I wish to stay in Korea to continue my study and I want to find a job which is related to cooking.
第1个回答  2012-06-21
I‘m from China.My father is a manager of a company and my mother is running a restaurant. I have been studied in Korea for one year and nine months untill now. My character is very optimistic and I am open-minded. I like making friends with each other,swimming and playing basketball. Besides, I am good at cooking . I wish I can stay in Korea to go on a further education and find a job which is about cooking in the future.
第2个回答  2012-06-21