
Adding to the ridership doubts is the fact thatCalifornia’s cities, likeFlorida’s, are sprawling.

Without a car, it’s not easy to get from one place to the next. The Reason Foundation report notes

That ‘the San Francisco urban (urbanized) area’s transit market share is 3.8%, Los Angeles is 1.6%,San Diego 1.2%,San Jose 0.8% and Sacramento 0.7%,’ which means that “the overwhelming majority of HSR trips are likely to require a car at one or both ends to complete the trip in a reasonable time and with reasonable comfort..”

Other setbacks came in January, when the California Legislative Analyst’s Office, the legislature’s nonpartisan watchdog, issued an evaluation of the High Speed Rail Authority’s most recent business plan. It found the following:

1.The rail plan offered an “uninformative timeline” and presented an “inconsistent order of events.”

2.The rail plan contained “no risk management strategy.”For instance, it addressed “the risk of incorrectly forecasted ridership with one sentence,” murkily noting that “the risk “would be mitigated by policies that continue to draw people to reside inCalifornia and encourage high-speed rail as an alternative mode of transportation .’”

3.The rail plan did not “provide any numerical ranges nor confidence intervals for projections contained in the plan (such as cost, revenues, or ridership).”Thus , “the risk of not realizing the forecasted ridership, revenues ,or costs is unknown

Adding to the ridership doubts is the fact thatCalifornia’s cities, likeFlorida’s, are sprawling. 添加到乘客怀疑是事实,加利福尼亚州的城市,如佛罗里达州的,是广阔的。
Without a car, it’s not easy to get from one place to the next.
The Reason Foundation report notesThat ‘the San Francisco urban (urbanized) area’s transit market share is 3.8%, Los Angeles is 1.6%,San Diego 1.2%,San Jose 0.8% and Sacramento 0.7%,’ which means that “the overwhelming majority of HSR trips are likely to require a car at one or both ends to complete the trip in a reasonable time and with reasonable comfort..”
原因基金会的报告指出的是'的圣旧金山市区(城市化)区的中转市场份额为3.8% ,洛杉矶是1.6 % ,圣迭戈1.2 % ,圣何塞0.8%和萨克拉门托0.7 % , “即说:”绝大多数的高铁车次是可能要求在一个汽车或两端完成在合理时间和合理的舒适之旅...... “
1.The rail plan offered an “uninformative timeline” and presented an “inconsistent order of events.”
铁路计划提供了一个“无意义的时间表” ,并提出了一个“不一致的事件顺序。 ”
2.The rail plan contained “no risk management strategy.”For instance, it addressed “the risk of incorrectly forecasted ridership with one sentence,” murkily noting that “the risk “would be mitigated by policies that continue to draw people to reside inCalifornia and encourage high-speed rail as an alternative mode of transportation .’”
铁路计划中包含的“无风险管理策略”,例如,它解决了“不正确地预测了一句乘客的风险, ”穆尔基利指出,“风险” ,将继续吸引人们居住的政策缓解在加利福尼亚州和鼓励作为替代的运输模式的高速铁路。
3.The rail plan did not “provide any numerical ranges nor confidence intervals for projections contained in the plan (such as cost, revenues, or ridership).”Thus , “the risk of not realizing the forecasted ridership, revenues ,or costs is unknown
铁路计划没有提供任何数值范围,也没有计划(如成本,收入,或乘车)中预测的置信区间。“因此, ”没有实现预测的乘客量,收入或费用的风险未知
第1个回答  2012-04-10





