
Lily: I’m really mad at Mom and Dad.
Ann: Why? What have they done?
Lily: I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday and they just got me this stupid raincoat.
Ann: Oh, __________! It’s a beautiful coat.
A. don’t worry
B. it doesn’t matter
C. don’t complain
D. come on

答:本题改自:CRI English Unit 28:About Family II 家庭(下)
Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
Sam: I'm really mad at Mom and Dad.
Mona: Why? What did they do?
Sam: I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday, and they just got me this stupid raincoat.
Mona: Oh, come on! It's a beautiful raincoat.
Sam: I don't care! I want leather jacket. I tried on Bill's, and I look great in it.
Mona: You know leather is expensive. Maybe they didn't have enough money.
Sam: I want to return it and get leather! All my friends have leather jackets.
Mona: They don't all have leather jackets, Sam.
Sam: Anyway, on your birthday Mom and Dad gave you what you asked for!
Mona: That's true, but all I asked for was a new pair of jeans.
Sam: I hate this raincoat.
Mona: All right, how much is a leather jacket?
Sam: If I return this raincoat, I only need another $50.
Mona: I'll lend you the $50, but you have to pay me back.
Sam: Great. Way to go, Sis!


1. 对话中Sam在跟Mona抱怨爸爸妈妈没有给他买他喜欢的生日礼物。be mad at someone,生某人的气,跟be angry with someone表达的意义是一样的。Sam很生爸爸、妈妈的气,Mona问为什么,这里也可以用how come,我们刚刚说过。

2. 为什么Sam会跟父母生气呢?原来他过生日的时候想要一件皮衣,但是父母却只给他买了一件破雨衣。ask someone for something,向某人要某种东西。Mona很不以为然,说,Oh, come on, It's a beautiful raincoat. 喂,别这样说,那件雨衣很漂亮。come on 这里带有“劝解”的意味。

3. Sam说:“我才不在乎呢,我就是想要一件皮衣,我试过Bill的皮衣,我穿着很好看。”看来Sam真的是很任性。Mona劝他说,皮衣很昂贵,可能父母没有那么多的钱。Sam想把这件雨衣退了,再换一件皮衣。I want to return it and get leather! 在美国,如果你买了或收到了自己不喜欢的东西,可以把它拿到商店退掉,商店会将原款返还。

4. 不过即使把雨衣退掉,返回的钱还是不够买一件皮衣。但是看Sam这么不喜欢这件雨衣,Mona只好答应借他钱去买皮衣。如果把雨衣退掉,Sam还需要50美金去买一件皮衣。这里把50美元看成了一个整体,所以用了another这个限定词。

5. Mona可以借Sam50美金,但是一定要还的,pay someone back something,表示“偿还、报答”,例如:I'll pay you back next week. 我下周会还你钱。但是pay someone back for something,就表示“报复、惩罚某人”了,要区分开,比如:I'll pay him back for the trick he played on me. 他对我使坏,我要报复他。

6. Sam听Mona说可以借钱给他,非常高兴。Way to go,在这里表示“没问题,我一定会还你的” 。看来,有时候孩子们还真的要多多理解父母,不能太任性

A. Don't worry. 不要担心。 B. 没有关系。 只要理解上下文,放进去一看,不合对话逻辑,很快能排除。
C. Don't complain. 不要抱怨。这是很有干扰的选项。看得出,Sam确实是在抱怨。但很明显是在抱怨父母。如果这么说了之后,下面接下去会说什么呢?会说父母不容易,等等之类的话。
当然考生还得知道come on这个短语的用法。有“加油鼓劲”,有“催促”,有“不满”,有“劝解” 等等,真的用法很多啊。
come on
said to encourage someone to do something, especially to hurry or try harder, or to tell you something:
Come on - we're going to be late if you don't hurry!
Come on, Annabelle, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone.
come on 4
come on INFORMAL
used to tell someone that you do not believe them or that you disagree with them, or to show that you are angry with them:
Oh come on, Ian, you made the same excuse last week!

come on!
spoken a) used to tell someone to hurry
 Come on, we'll be late!
b) used to encourage someone to do something
 Come on, you can do it!
 Come on, cheer up!
c) used to tell someone that you know that what they have just said was not true or right
 Oh come on, don't lie!
d) used to make someone angry enough to want to fight you
 Come on, then, hit me!追问


第1个回答  2012-05-14
come on是日常表达的惯用语,可表示“快点”,“振作起来”,“拜托啦”等等很多意思。

第2个回答  2012-05-14
come on 在英语口语中使用频率非常高,要习惯性使用它。
第3个回答  2012-05-14
don’t worry 意思:别担心

it doesn’t matter 没关系 用于回答 sorry

don’t complain 别抱怨

come on ,结合上下文,意思是 哦,快看哪,这是一件漂亮的雨衣
第4个回答  2012-05-14
don't worry“别着急” ,it doesn't matter“没关系”后一般会说,我会帮你……之类的话(问题可以得到实质解决)
don't complain没这样的说法(太不礼貌,不符合语用习惯)
come on“好了啦!”(与下文“不管怎样都是件很靓的雨衣”逻辑通顺)
第5个回答  2012-05-14
come on 用于口语中,打断别人讲话。并且引发自己的意见,相当于汉语“得了吧'