
1 have many different rules;wear school uniforms
2 not allowed togo out;not allowed to run or jump
3 design your own uniforms;play sports a lot
4 If I were you ...............

I am very glad that you will start your new study olan in the compus which have many different ruls.I believe you can adjust to your compus life as soon as possible.The rules is uesful to new students just like wearing school unifirms,playing sprots a lot .
Let me think about it we may change our mind that complain the rules all the time. Wearing school uniforms is keeping you from dangerous so that bad guys can not come into your compus.The rules which they made always consider your safety just like not allowed to go out and not allowed to run or jump.Besides that ,you can desigh your own uniforms .How cool the rule is .You can develop your creativity.You also can make friends through play sports a lot.That must be fun.
If i were you ,i will be happy to the new compus It is full of challenge and hopeness.Be yourself ,join it and enjoy it.
第1个回答  2012-11-19
TO be or not to be!
第2个回答  2012-11-20
you yi si !