

About students Instrument. Students dress appropriately, sitting straight upright, walking healthy conversation civilization. Advocate school uniforms, do not wear fancy dress, boys do not have long hair, girls do not perm, no makeup, do not wear jewelry, do not wear high heels. Where a breach of this provision shall be given probation year sanction.
On the morning after the matters. First wash, and attention to personal hygiene, non-resident students to tidy his room, the boarders to clear the whole good quarters, and material put orderly, bedding neatly. Violated this provision to be a warning.
With regard to travel. Day students and parents before school greeting cycling on the road to take the slow way street, walk go sidewalks, more than three people into columns, right Daoxing not retrograde, do not walk and talk, pay attention to safety. Accommodation give birth quarters not to run, jump, not crowded, do not parallel up and down stairs, walking on the right side. The former violate the rules and regulations to be informed criticism, the latter to be a warning.
About to enter the classroom. Into the teaching front the footboard shoes soil clean to get into the right side of the door, the lighter pushed open the door, walk softly right side Daoxing. Violated this provision by informed criticism.
Maintain campus order. Do not make much noise, do not run, jump, not slapstick, and play, not far away from the classroom, not allowed to whistle, do not eat bubble gum, the toilet to toilet paper toilet, after flushing the toilet. Breach of the above provisions shall be given a demerit, without teacher permission, allowed into the school office or the office area toilets. Breach of this provision shall be given a warning.
About dine. To comply with the dining room order, line up and Dafan not running to the dining room, shall Gasser, crowded, noisy; Not within the corridor, dormitories, classrooms meals or snacks; Grade One required rest time to go to the dining room Dafan, sophomore, After the third year in turn pushed five minutes walk to the cafeteria Dafan. Violate the above requirements shall be given a warning.
About lunch break or nap. After lunch for a lunch break, the time are not allowed to do the laundry, are not allowed to take a bath in the wash room, listening to the radio, tape recorders are not allowed in the dorms are not allowed to carry out a variety of recreational activities. Violated this provision to be criticized and educated.
With regard to extra-curricular activities. Quarters are not allowed to play poker, chess, watching the harmful physical and mental health books and newspapers, audio-visual products are not allowed to watch unhealthy. Violated this provision to be criticized and educated.
System on late bedtime. Boarders in the dormitory on the way arms around, not allowed to run and jump to catch up, not allowed to walking and talking and laughing loudly, into the need for orderly quarters. Breach of this provision shall be given a serious warning.
Classroom management system. Curtains hang, drape formation, required to turn on the lights during the curtain must roll up, and all curtains roll up their highly consistent to pull knot at the windows of the middle. Violated this provision to give notice of criticism.
This is the metamorphosis of a secondary school rules ~ ~
第1个回答  2012-10-23
是罗城的不?? 我正好忘记这篇作文么要求了, 嘿嘿,谢了啊